In News
- The Union Ministry of Culture granted ?3.75 crores under the ‘Upgradation of Museums Scheme’ for the ?5-crore project in Eluru town of Andhra Pradesh.
What is a Museum?
- As per the ICOM (International Council of Museums), A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment.
Museum Grant Scheme
- The Scheme was launched in 2013.
- Objectives:
- To provide financial assistance to the State Governments, Autonomous bodies, Local Bodies, Societies and Trusts registered under the Societies Act for setting up of new Museums as well as for the development of existing museums.
- To develop at least 1 Central / State Government Museum located in a State Capital each year.
- Components:
- It has three components:
- Component A: Establishment and Development of District and Regional Museums: Under this component, museums have been classified into two categories- Category-I: Government-owned State level Museums and renowned Museums with exquisite collections and Category-II: all other Museums.
- Component B: Development of Museums in State Capitals: Financial assistance under this component is provided to existing renowned museums of the Central or State Government located in the Capital cities.
- Component C: Establishment and Development of Large Scale Museums in Public-Private Partnership Mode: Under this component, it is proposed to establish large scale museums as joint ventures with State Governments and civil society in the Public-Private partnerships Mode.
- The maximum financial assistance provided under this component is 40% of the project cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 20 Crore per museum.
- It has three components:
Source: TH
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