In News
- There are heat wave-like conditions across the country as reported by the India Meteorological Division (IMD).
- As per the India Meteorological Division (IMD) report, 16 of the 36 of the meteorological subdivisions in India are facing heat wave-like conditions.
What is a Heat wave?
- A Heat Wave is a period of abnormally high temperatures, more than the normal maximum temperature that occurs during the summer season in the North-Western parts of India.
- Heat Waves typically occur between March and June, and in some rare cases even extend till July.
- The extreme temperatures and resultant atmospheric conditions adversely affect people living in these regions as they cause physiological stress, sometimes resulting in death.
What is the criterion for declaring Heat waves?
Based on Departure from Normal
Based on Actual Maximum Temperature
What is a criterion for describing Heat Wave for coastal stations?
Reasons for more Heat waves
- The early start is because of formation of anticyclones in western Rajasthan during March coupled with absence of rain-bearing western disturbances.
- Thus, it led to blowing up dry winds from the region whose temperature kept on surging because of the arrival of summer, to take the form of heat waves.
- Urban heat island effects can make ambient temperatures feel 3 to 4 degrees more than what they are.
- High intensity of UV rays in medium-high heat wave zones.
- Combination of exceptional heat stress and a predominantly rural population makes India vulnerable to heat waves.
Impact of Heat waves
- They put enormous pressure on health and emergency services.
- They increase strain on water, energy and transportation resulting in power shortages or even blackouts.
- They adversely affect agriculture in terms of yields primarily rabi crops thus creating stress among farmers, also causing livelihood stress.
- Extreme heat waves also cause loss of livestock which is an important component of agrarian economy.
- Heat waves induce loss of human productivity thus impacting the income and well being.
- They lead to wildfires and severe drought conditions.
Strategies to Address Heat waves
- Establishment of Early Warning System and Inter-Agency Coordination for prediction of heat waves and issuance of alert.
- Public Awareness and community outreach to increase public awareness on how to protect against extreme heat through different mediums.
- Capacity building and training programme for health care professionals at different levels to recognize and respond to heat wave related illnesses.
- Collaboration with non-government organizations (NGOs) and civil society to provide support in distress situations.
- Encourage traditional methods of handling heat waves like wearing cotton clothes etc.
- Reviewing labour laws and other regulations taking climatic conditions into account.
- Improving the infrastructure setup like including shadowed windows, insulated houses etc