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- Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron held extensive discussions on a range of bilateral and pressing global issues.
Key Takeaways from India-France Joint Statement
- France and India expressed serious concern over the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. They unequivocally condemned civilian deaths in Ukraine and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities.
- Both countries underlined the need to respect the UN Charter, international law and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.
- Both share a vision of a free, open and rules-based Indo-Pacific region, based on a commitment to international law, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, freedom of navigation and a region free from coercion, tensions and conflicts.
- India and France reaffirmed their commitment to deepen the India-European Union Strategic Partnership and look forward to working closely together in the implementation of the India-EU Connectivity Partnership.
- France and India expressed deep concern about the current aggravation of global food security and nutrition, already impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, and especially in developing countries.
- India and France have agreed on setting up a bilateral strategic dialogue on space issues.
- Both sides welcomed the ongoing intense cooperation across all defence domains. Joint exercises (Shakti, Varuna, Pegase, Desert Knight, Garuda) illustrate efforts towards better integration and interoperability wherever possible.
- Both sides also agreed to work jointly to increase the mobility of students, graduates, professionals and skilled workers while strengthening their efforts to combat irregular migration.
India and France Relations
- About:
- The two countries are committed to the shared values of democracy, fundamental freedoms, rule of law and respect for human rights.
- Strategic:
- In 1998, the two countries entered into Strategic Partnership which is emblematic of their convergence of views on a range of International issues apart from a close and growing bilateral relationship.
- France has stood by India through thick and thin, beginning with 1998 when India conducted nuclear tests and the entire world was against us.
- In 1998, the two countries entered into Strategic Partnership which is emblematic of their convergence of views on a range of International issues apart from a close and growing bilateral relationship.
- Support:
- France has continued to support India’s claim for permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council and the reforms of the United Nations. France’s support was vital in India’s accession to the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) and Australia Group (AG).
- France continues to support India’s bid for accession to the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).
- Indo-Pacific:
- France is a preferred partner in the Indo-Pacific and there is now a blueprint for cooperation in this field in the form of a Joint Strategic Vision for cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region concluded by both countries in 2018.
- Space:
- Space has always been central to the strategic partnership of our two countries.
- India and France have a rich history of cooperation in the field of space for over 50 years with ISRO and the French Space Agency (CNES) carrying on various joint research programmes and launch of satellites.
- New areas of cooperation:
- India and France are increasingly engaged in new areas of cooperation like security in the Indian Ocean region, climate change including the International Solar Alliance, and sustainable growth and development among others.
- Economic Cooperation:
- Both India and France have important bilateral investments and trade and commercial cooperation, particularly in sectors involving IT corridors,smart-cities, railways, capital and trade exchanges,skill development etc.
- Blue economy:
- Both nations have inked a roadmap to enhance their bilateral exchanges on the blue economy and forge a common vision of ocean governance based on the rule of law and cooperate on sustainable and resilient coastal and waterways infrastructure.
- Maritime Security:
- India and France already have a high level dialogue on maritime security, and this enables the two to raise strategic issues in the Indo-Pacific.
- Defence:
- Cooperation in defence is the cornerstone of the India France strategic partnership.
- The two countries have a Ministerial level Defence dialogue, which has been held annually since 2018.
- The three services also have regular defence exercises; viz. Exercise Shakti (Army; the last one took place in November 2019 in India), Exercise Varuna (Navy; is scheduled to be held in the gulf of Oman from 25 to 27 April 2021), Exercise Garuda 9 (Air Force; July 2019 in France).
- Purchase of Rafale aircraft: The Inter-governmental agreement for purchase of 36 Rafale fighter aircrafts (30 fighter aircrafts and 6 trainers) by India in flyaway condition was signed in New Delhi on 23 September 2016.
- P-75 Scorpene Project: The contract for six Scorpene submarines from DCNS (Naval Group) was signed in October 2006.
- Cooperation in defence is the cornerstone of the India France strategic partnership.
- Environment and Renewable Energy:
- France is a founding member of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), announced by PM Modi in 2015 at UN Climate Change CoP21.
- Cooperation in the fields of S&T and Education:
- In the field of S&T, the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advance Research (CEFIPRA) based in New Delhi, established in 1987, plays a major role by identifying and funding joint proposals for research projects.
- Counter-terrorism:
- India and France have consistently condemned terrorism and have resolved to work together for adoption of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) in the UN.
- Culture:
- Indian culture enjoys a wide following amongst the people of France.
- The International Day of Yoga has been organised by the Embassy of India in Paris and other cities of France since 2016 and has received wide acclaim and press coverage.
- Year long celebrations have also been organised to commemorate 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, 550th Birth Anniversary of Shri Gurunanak Devji .
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