Down To Earth (01–15 March, 2025)

Yamuna: Sand Mining & Riverbed Erosion


  • Sand mining is visible on the Yamuna in Dehradun district, Uttarakhand. Once home to indigenous communities, the village was submerged in 2022 for the 120-megawatt Vyasi Hydroelectric Power Project on the river.


  • The Yamuna River is facing severe environmental challenges due to rampant sand mining and riverbed erosion.
  • These activities have not only disrupted the river's ecological balance but also posed a threat to the livelihoods of communities dependent on the river.

Impact of Sand Mining

  • Ecological Degradation: The removal of sand from the riverbed disrupts the natural habitat of aquatic plants and animals.
  • It affects the food chain, leading to a decline in fish populations and other aquatic species.
  • Riverbed Erosion: Excessive sand mining accelerates riverbed erosion, causing the river to change its course.
  • It can lead to the loss of fertile agricultural land and damage to infrastructure such as bridges and roads.
  • Water Quality: Sand mining increases the turbidity of the river water, reducing its quality.
  • The increased sediment load can also clog irrigation channels and affect water supply for domestic and agricultural use.
  • Flooding: The removal of sand weakens the river's natural floodplain, reducing its capacity to absorb floodwaters.
  • It increases the risk of flooding in nearby areas, endangering lives and property.

Social and Economic Consequences

  • Livelihoods: Many communities rely on the Yamuna River for their livelihoods, including fishing and agriculture. The degradation of the river's ecosystem threatens their income and food security.
  • Health Risks: The increased turbidity and pollution of the river water pose health risks to communities that depend on the Yamuna for drinking water and sanitation.
  • Illegal Activities: Unregulated sand mining is often associated with illegal activities, including corruption and exploitation of labor. Workers involved in illegal mining operations are subjected to poor working conditions and minimal pay.

Mitigation Measures

  • Regulation and Enforcement: Strengthening regulations and enforcement mechanisms to curb illegal sand mining activities.
  • It includes regular monitoring of mining sites and imposing strict penalties for violations.
  • In 2022, the Uttarakhand High Court banned mechanised mining of riverbed materials across the state.
  • Sustainable Mining Practices: Promoting sustainable sand mining practices that minimize environmental impact.
  • It includes setting limits on the amount of sand that can be extracted and ensuring that mining activities do not disrupt the river's natural flow.
  • Community Engagement: Involving local communities in the management and conservation of the river.
  • It includes raising awareness about the impact of sand mining and encouraging community-led initiatives to protect the river.
  • Restoration Projects: Implementing river restoration projects to rehabilitate degraded riverbeds and floodplains.
  • It includes reforestation, soil conservation, and the creation of buffer zones to protect the river from further erosion.

India's Extreme Weather Records in 2024


  • In 2024, India experienced extreme weather events on 322 out of 366 days, highlighting the increasing frequency and intensity of climate-related disasters, surpassing the records of previous years.

Record-Breaking Statistics

  • In 2024, India faced extreme weather events on nearly 88% of the days, up from 87% in 2023 and 86% in 2022.
  • These events included heat and cold waves, cyclones, lightning, heavy rain, floods, and landslides, affecting various regions across the country.
  • The rising trend of extreme weather days has resulted in severe human and economic losses, with 3,472 fatalities in 2024, a 15% increase over three years.

Regional Impact

  • Central India experienced the highest number of extreme weather days in 2024, with 253 days marked by such events.
  • Madhya Pradesh, in particular, saw extreme weather for 185 days, the most in the country.
  • The Southern Peninsula region also witnessed a significant increase, with 223 days of extreme weather, a 31% rise since 2022.
  • These regions faced devastating impacts on agriculture, with 4.07 million hectares of cropped land affected in 2024, an 84% increase from the previous year.
where usaid is going

Types of Extreme Weather Events

  • Heat Waves: The year was the hottest on record, with significant temperature increases across various regions.
  • Heat waves led to 459 deaths, highlighting the need for effective heat action plans.
  • Floods and Heavy Rains: Floods and heavy rains caused 1,287 fatalities, with Kerala and Maharashtra being the worst affected states.
  • The increased frequency of intense rainfall events underscores the importance of robust flood management systems.
  • Lightning and Thunderstorms: Lightning and thunderstorms claimed 1,374 lives, making them the deadliest weather events of the year.
  • Bihar reported the highest number of lightning-related deaths.
  • Cyclones: Cyclonic storms caused widespread damage to coastal regions, leading to loss of life and property.
  • The increasing intensity of cyclones is a stark reminder of the need for enhanced coastal resilience.

Climate Change and Its Implications

  • The record-breaking statistics of 2024 reflect the profound impact of climate change on India's weather patterns.
  • Events that once occurred once every century are now happening with alarming frequency, overwhelming vulnerable populations.
  • The rising trend of extreme weather days and the resultant loss and damage highlight the high cost of climate change borne by farmers and communities.

Biodiversity Leakage


  • A recent study, published in the journal Science, has raised concerns about the unintended consequences of conservation efforts in wealthy nations that may inadvertently exacerbate biodiversity loss in other countries.
  • It highlights how local conservation gains in wealthy nations can result in net harm to global biodiversity.

About Biodiversity Leakage

  • It refers to the unintended transfer of environmental pressures from one region to another due to conservation policies, trade regulations, or economic shifts.
  • It mirrors carbon leakage, where strict emission controls in one country push polluting industries to less-regulated regions.

Study's Findings

  • Loss of Species: The study found that consumption by high-income nations was responsible for 13.3% of all species range loss worldwide.
  • Key Contributors: The United States, Germany, Japan, and China caused biodiversity losses 15 times greater than their domestic impacts.
  • The study highlighted that 18 out of the 24 countries analyzed had higher international than domestic impacts on biodiversity loss.

Causes of Biodiversity Leakage

  • Displacement of Harmful Activities: Logging bans, land conservation, or fishing restrictions often push exploitative activities into areas with fewer protections.
  • Example: A moratorium on logging in Indonesia has driven deforestation into neighboring Malaysia and Papua New Guinea.
  • Trade and Supply Chain Shifts: When nations ban the import of illegally harvested timber or wildlife products, suppliers often find new markets with weaker enforcement.
  • Example: The European Union’s regulations against deforestation-linked products have redirected trade flows to less-regulated Asian and African markets.
  • Policy Gaps and Governance Failures: Conservation policies may focus on specific regions but fail to address systemic causes of biodiversity loss.
  • Example: In Latin America, protected areas have succeeded in reducing deforestation within their boundaries, but illegal logging has intensified outside them.
  • Global Economic Dynamics: Rising demand for commodities like palm oil, soy, and beef often drives land-use changes, even as conservation efforts aim to curb deforestation.
  • Example: Efforts to curb Amazon deforestation have shifted soy production to the biodiverse Cerrado region in Brazil.

Impacts of Biodiversity Leakage

  • Loss of Ecosystem Services: When ecosystems are degraded in unprotected areas, local communities lose access to essential resources like clean water and fertile land.
  • Threats to Endangered Species: Many species migrate across landscapes, and displacement of habitat destruction can harm already vulnerable populations.
  • Impact on Biodiverse Regions: The United States' consumption had the most significant impact on wildlife in Central America, while China and Japan's demand affected species in the rainforest regions of Southeast Asia.
  • Additionally, almost half of all range losses at long distances from the 24 driver countries were of species in Madagascar, driven by deforestation for vanilla production.
  • Weakening of Conservation Efforts: Leakage undermines the credibility and effectiveness of conservation policies, making it harder to achieve global biodiversity targets.
  • Social and Economic Disruptions: Conservation-induced displacement can lead to conflicts between environmental goals and local livelihoods, particularly in developing regions.
  • Other key examples are Fishing Restrictions and Overfishing Elsewhere, Deforestation Bans and Palm Oil Expansion, Carbon Offset Dilemma (displaced deforestation) etc.

Addressing Biodiversity Leakage

  • Integrated Land-Use Planning: Coordinating conservation efforts across entire landscapes to prevent displacement of harmful activities.
  • Stronger Global Governance: Enhancing international trade regulations and cooperation to ensure sustainability beyond protected areas.
  • Inclusive Conservation Policies: Engaging local communities and Indigenous groups to create solutions that balance conservation and livelihoods.
  • Supply Chain Accountability: Promoting responsible sourcing and certification schemes (e.g., FSC for timber, RSPO for palm oil).
  • Ecological Compensation Mechanisms: Ensuring that conservation efforts do not create unintended environmental harm elsewhere.

Push to Subsume Villages Into Towns in India

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  • Fearing loss of autonomy and access to government schemes, several villages across India are protesting against the decision to change their status to town.
  • Recent push to subsume villages into towns goes against the spirit of the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments.


  • India is experiencing an accelerating transformation in its rural-urban landscape, and push to subsume villages into towns has been driven by urbanization policies, economic imperatives, and infrastructural expansion.
  • However, this shift has profound implications for rural employment schemes, especially the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).

Drive Toward Urbanization

  • Increased Tax Revenues: Urban local bodies (ULBs) can levy property taxes and other charges, generating more revenue than panchayats.
  • Infrastructure Expansion: Towns attract higher investments in roads, electricity, water supply, and public services.
  • Political and Administrative Control: Urban areas come under municipal governance, reducing local panchayat autonomy but increasing centralized urban planning.

MGNREGA and the Rural Employment Safety Net

  • It is a demand-driven scheme ensuring 100 days of wage employment to every rural household (its applicability is limited to rural areas) willing to do unskilled manual work.
  • Once a village is designated as a town, it loses access to MGNREGA.

Key Concerns

  • Disqualification from MGNREGA Benefits: Once a village is reclassified as an urban area, its residents lose access to MGNREGA jobs.
  • Lack of Alternative Employment in Small Towns: The informal economy dominates, offering unstable and low-paying jobs, which are insufficient to replace MGNREGA’s wage security.
  • Disruption in Livelihoods: MGNREGA supports marginal farmers, landless laborers, and women workers, many of whom find it difficult to transition into urban employment.
  • Without MGNREGA, these workers are forced into precarious, unregulated jobs with no social security benefits.
  • Erosion of Community Assets: MGNREGA has contributed significantly to water conservation, afforestation, and rural infrastructure through community-based work.
  • As villages are urbanized, such local asset-building initiatives decline, affecting long-term rural resilience.

MGNREGA and the 73rd & 74th Constitutional Amendments

  • The 73rd Constitutional Amendment empowered rural local self-governance through the Panchayati Raj System, granting them authority over various development functions, including employment generation, social justice, and infrastructure development. It mandated:
  • The formation of a three-tier system (Gram Panchayat, Block Panchayat, and District Panchayat).
  • Direct elections for Panchayat representatives.
  • Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and women.
  • The establishment of a State Finance Commission and State Election Commission to ensure financial and administrative autonomy.
  • Similarly, the 74th Constitutional Amendment strengthened Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) by creating Municipalities, Municipal Councils, and Municipal Corporations.
  • These amendments sought to decentralize decision-making, ensuring greater citizen participation in governance and efficient service delivery at the local level.

MGNREGA and the 73rd & 74th Constitutional Amendments

  • Decentralized Planning: Gram Panchayats prepare labour budgets and decide on projects based on local needs.
  • It ensures that employment schemes are demand-driven and communityoriented.
  • Social Audits and Accountability: MGNREGA mandates social audits, empowering Gram Sabhas to monitor funds, reducing corruption, and ensuring transparency.
  • Capacity Building: Panchayats receive training and financial resources to implement MGNREGA efficiently, fostering administrative decentralization.
  • Women’s Empowerment: With 50% of MGNREGA workers being women, the scheme enhances female participation in decision-making at the village level, complementing the one-third reservation for women in PRIs.
  • Strengthening Local Economy: MGNREGA wages boost rural purchasing power, leading to improved livelihoods and rural economic growth.

Agroforestry in India


  • Agroforestry is fast emerging as a win-win strategy to mitigate climate change and improve farmers’ income.
  • It is particularly so in India, home to onefifth of the agroforestry carbon projects in the world.

About the Agroforestry

  • It is the practice of integrating trees, crops, and livestock within the same agricultural landscape as a sustainable land-use system.
  • It offers multiple benefits, including improving soil fertility, increasing biodiversity, and enhancing rural livelihoods.

History and Evolution of Agroforestry in India

  • Traditional systems such as agri-silviculture (crops and trees) and silvopastoral (trees and livestock) have existed in rural India for generations.
  • However, modern agroforestry gained momentum in the 1980s with the National Wastelands Development Board promoting tree plantation on degraded lands.

Importance of Agroforestry (Policy Perspective)

  • National Agroforestry Policy (2014): The first-ever national policy dedicated to promoting agroforestry, ensuring access to quality planting material, and simplifying tree harvest regulations.
  • Sub-Mission on Agroforestry (SMAF) under the National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA): A scheme aimed at increasing tree cover and enhancing farmers' income.
  • Forest Rights Act (2006): Allowing forestdwelling communities to sustainably manage and cultivate trees on forest lands.

Types of Agroforestry Systems in India

  • Agri-Silviculture:
  • Cultivation of crops alongside trees.
  • Commonly practiced in states like Punjab and Haryana with poplar and eucalyptus plantations.
  • Silvo-Pastoral Systems:
  • Integration of trees with livestock grazing.
  • Found in Rajasthan and Gujarat with acacia and fodder trees.
  • Agri-Horticulture:
  • Combination of fruit trees with seasonal crops.
  • Widely practiced in Kerala and Maharashtra with mango, guava, and coconut plantations.
  • Home Gardens:
  • A mix of vegetables, fruit trees, and medicinal plants in household backyards.
  • Predominant in southern and northeastern states.
  • Taungya System:
  • Practiced in forested areas where farmers grow crops alongside newly planted trees.
  • Common in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

Benefits of Agroforestry

  • Environmental Benefits:
  • Carbon Sequestration: Trees absorb carbon dioxide, mitigating climate change.
  • Soil Conservation: Prevents erosion and improves soil fertility through organic matter accumulation.
  • Biodiversity Conservation: Supports wildlife by providing habitats and food sources.
  • Water Conservation: Reduces runoff and enhances groundwater recharge.
  • Economic Benefits:
  • Diversified Income Sources: Farmers earn from timber, fruits, fodder, and medicinal plants.
  • Employment Generation: Agroforestry creates rural employment opportunities in nurseries, plantations, and wood processing.
  • Resilience to Climate Change: Trees act as windbreaks, reducing crop damage from extreme weather events.
  • Social Benefits
  • Improved Livelihoods: Supports small farmers and tribal communities. crops.
  • Nutritional Security: Provides fruits, nuts, and medicinal plants for household consumption.
  • Traditional Knowledge Conservation: Encourages indigenous agroforestry practices.

Challenges in Agroforestry Adoption

  • Regulatory Hurdles: Farmers often struggle with timber harvesting and transportation restrictions.
  • Lack of Awareness and Training: Many farmers lack knowledge about suitable treecrop combinations.
  • Market Uncertainty: Unstable timber and non-timber product markets affect profitability.
  • Landholding Constraints: Small and marginal farmers may not have enough land for agroforestry.

Government Initiatives to Promote Agroforestry

  • Green India Mission: Focuses on afforestation and sustainable forest-based livelihoods.
  • National Bamboo Mission: Encourages bamboo cultivation as an agroforestry component.
  • Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs): Provide training and demonstrations on agroforestry techniques.

Ancient India’s Scientific Excellence


  • Policymakers are obsessed by a fuddled idea of resurrecting a glorious civilisational past, and even IITs have fallen in line.


  • Ancient India has long been celebrated for its rich scientific and technological contributions to the world.
  • From advanced mathematical concepts to pioneering surgical techniques, the intellectual achievements of ancient Indian scholars and scientists have left an indelible mark on human civilization.

Mathematics: Concept of Zero and Beyond

  • The concept of zero as a numeral, first recorded by Brahmagupta in the 7th century CE, revolutionized arithmetic and algebra.
  • Indian mathematicians like Aryabhata (476 CE) and Bhaskara I (600 CE) made significant strides in trigonometry, algebra, and arithmetic.
  • Aryabhata, in his treatise Aryabhatiya, discussed the approximation of pi (π) and the concept of sine in trigonometry, predating European mathematicians by centuries.

Astronomy: Motion of Planets and Earth’s Rotation

  • The ancient Indian astronomical text Surya Siddhanta (compiled around 400 CE) contained sophisticated calculations about planetary movements, eclipses, and even the concept of heliocentrism—the idea that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
  • Aryabhata correctly described the Earth’s rotation on its axis, contradicting the prevailing geocentric model of the universe at that time.

Medicine: Ayurveda and Surgery

  • The practice of Ayurveda, dating back to the Vedic period, focused on holistic healing and herbal medicine.
  • The Charaka Samhita (compiled around 300 BCE) provided extensive details on anatomy, diagnosis, and treatment methods.
  • Meanwhile, Sushruta Samhita, attributed to Sushruta (circa 600 BCE), described surgical procedures, including cataract surgery and rhinoplasty.
  • Sushruta is often referred to as the ‘Father of Surgery’.

Metallurgy: Iron Pillar of Delhi'

  • India was a leader in metallurgy, particularly in the extraction and processing of iron and zinc.
  • The Iron Pillar of Delhi, which has resisted rust for over 1,600 years, remains a marvel of metallurgical ingenuity.
  • The process of zinc distillation was first mastered in India, paving the way for advancements in chemical engineering.

Philosophy and Science

  • The Nyaya, Vaisheshika, and Samkhya schools of philosophy delved into logical reasoning, atomic theory, and cosmology.
  • Indian philosophers like Kanada and Patanjali contributed to the understanding of natural laws and the principles of causality, bridging the gap between metaphysical inquiries and empirical observations.

Remediating Legacy Waste in India


  • Despite numerous policy updates and initiatives, India continues to grapple with a significant waste management crisis.


  • India faces several significant challenges in remediating its legacy waste, which could derail its goal of becoming garbage-free by 2025-26.
  • The Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) and other policy reforms have made strides in addressing the issue, but the problem persists.

Current State of Waste Management

  • India generates approximately 63.17 million tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) annually, with only about 33.40 million tonnes being treated.
  • The discrepancy between waste generation and treatment highlights the challenges in the waste management sector.
  • Factors such as unreliable data, seasonal fluctuations in waste composition, and inadequate infrastructure contribute to the inefficiency of waste management systems.

Challenges in Waste Management

  • Lack of Reliable Data: Accurate data on waste generation and composition is crucial for effective waste management.
  • However, many cities lack consistent and reliable data, making it difficult to plan and implement waste management strategies.
  • Frequent waste composition studies and daily measurements using weighbridges are essential for accurate data collection.
  • Inadequate Collection Mechanisms: In many areas, especially those with difficult terrains and narrow lanes, waste collection mechanisms are insufficient.
  • The use of outdated equipment, such as pushcarts and tractor trolleys, hampers segregated waste collection.
  • Additionally, many households do not receive daily collection services, leading to improper waste disposal.
  • Technical and Administrative Challenges: Waste management is not just a management issue but also a technical challenge.
  • Effective waste management requires proper administration, monitoring, and verification mechanisms.
  • Adequate infrastructure and strict enforcement of policies are necessary to ensure compliance and efficiency.

Role of Policy Updates

  • Decentralized Waste Management: Implementing decentralized waste management systems can enhance efficiency and reduce the burden on central facilities.
  • Establishing dry waste deposition centers and linking them to centralized Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) can streamline waste processing.
  • Community Involvement: Engaging local communities in waste management initiatives is vital.
  • Self-help groups and private contractors with trained staff can provide door-to-door collection services, ensuring proper waste segregation and disposal.
  • Public Awareness and Education: Raising awareness about the importance of waste segregation and proper disposal practices is crucial.
  • Public education campaigns can encourage responsible waste management behaviors among citizens.
  • Technological Innovations: Adopting advanced technologies for waste processing and recycling can improve efficiency.
  • Innovations such as bio-decomposers, waste-to-energy plants, and automated sorting systems can enhance waste management capabilities.

Rising Incidents of Stubble Burning in Madhya Pradesh


  • Madhya Pradesh has surpassed Punjab in the number of stubble burning incidents, with over 10,000 cases reported in the 2024 season.
  • It is attributed to the increasing cultivation of paddy in Madhya Pradesh, coupled with the lack of effective crop residue management practices.

About Stubble Burning

  • It is the practice of setting fire to crop residue after harvest.
  • Punjab has historically been one of the major contributors to stubble burning in India. The state's farmers often burn leftover paddy stubble to quickly prepare their fields for the next crop season. It is faster and more economical than manual or mechanical clearing.

Reasons For Rising Incidents of Stubble Burning in Madhya Pradesh

  • Expansion of Wheat Cultivation: The state has increased wheat production, leading to more crop residue.
  • Delayed Harvesting & Pressure for Rabi Crops: Farmers have limited time to clear fields before sowing, making burning the fastest option.
  • Limited Awareness & Alternatives: Unlike Punjab, where crop residue management programs have been promoted, MP lags in subsidies and machinery distribution.
  • Changing Agricultural Practices: Increased mechanization has resulted in more residue that cannot be manually removed.
  • Government Monitoring: Punjab has been under strict surveillance with penalties, whereas MP has had relatively relaxed enforcement.

Causes of Stubble Burning in Punjab

  • Short Sowing Window: Due to the late harvesting of paddy and the need to plant wheat immediately, farmers resort to burning to expedite land preparation.
  • Mechanization Without Residue Management: Combine harvesters leave behind unmanageable crop residues, and alternative disposal methods are costly.
  • High Cost of Alternatives: Machines like the Happy Seeder and Super Straw Management System (SMS) require government subsidies, making them inaccessible for many farmers.
  • Water-Intensive Paddy Cultivation: The Punjab Preservation of Subsoil Water Act (2009) delayed paddy sowing to conserve groundwater, but this compressed the time available for wheat sowing, increasing reliance on burning.

Impact of Stubble Burning in Punjab

  • Severe Air Pollution: The release of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) worsens air quality, especially in Delhi-NCR.
  • Health Hazards: Respiratory diseases like asthma and bronchitis spike due to smog formation.
  • Soil Degradation: Burning depletes soil nutrients and microbial activity, increasing dependence on chemical fertilizers.
  • Climate Change Contribution: Greenhouse gases like CO₂, CO, and methane are released, exacerbating global warming.

Efforts Made By Punjab

  • Punjab has implemented various measures, including providing subsidies for machinery like Happy Seeders and Super Straw Management Systems, which help manage crop residue without burning.
  • Additionally, awareness campaigns and strict enforcement of regulations have contributed to a decline in stubble burning cases.
  • As of November 2024, Punjab reported a 70% reduction in farm fire cases compared to previous years.

Measures to Address Stubble Burning

  • Promoting Alternative Practices: Providing subsidies and incentives for machinery that can manage crop residue without burning. Encouraging the use of bio-decomposers and other eco-friendly methods.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Educating farmers about the harmful effects of stubble burning and the benefits of alternative practices.
  • Policy and Enforcement: Strengthening regulations and ensuring strict enforcement to deter farmers from burning crop residue.
  • Research and Innovation: Investing in research to develop cost-effective and efficient crop residue management technologies.


Gypsum Mining in India


  • Recently, the UK confirmed its first human case of H5N1 avian influenza in three years.

About the Avian Influenza H5N1

  • It is commonly known as bird flu, is a severe and highly contagious viral disease that poses significant threats to both poultry and public health.
  • It is caused by influenza A viruses that primarily affect birds, including domestic poultry such as chickens, turkeys, and ducks, as well as wild birds.
  • The virus spreads through direct contact with infected birds, their droppings, or contaminated surfaces, equipment, and clothing.
  • Infected birds shed the virus in their saliva, mucus, and feces, which can contaminate the environment and facilitate further transmission.


  • Genomic analysis revealed that the infected birds carried the D1.2 genotype, a strain circulating in UK birds in recent months.
  • It differs from the ones circulating among mammals and birds in the US, specifically the B3.13 and D1.1 genotypes.

About Influenza Virus

  • There are four types of influenza viruses: types A, B, C and D.
  • Influenza A viruses infect humans and many different animals.
  • Influenza B viruses circulate among humans and cause seasonal epidemics. Recent data showed seals also can be infected.
  • Influenza C viruses can infect both humans and pigs but infections are generally mild and are rarely reported.
  • Influenza D viruses primarily affect cattle and are not known to infect or cause illness in people.

US Agency for International Development (USAID)


  • Recently, the US President announced a freeze on foreign aid funding, which has hindered global health programmes.


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  • It is an independent agency of the US government, established in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy.
  • It was created to consolidate various foreign assistance programs under one agency to administer civilian foreign aid and development assistance.
  • It receives funding allocated in the U.S. federal budget.
  • Top Recipient: Ukraine, Ethiopia, Jordan, Somalia etc.

Objectives and Areas of Work

  • Economic development, Health and education, Food security and humanitarian assistance, Climate change mitigation and Democracy and governance.
  • USAID collaborates with governments, NGOs, businesses, and international organizations, offering grants and assistance for development projects. Some notable initiatives include:
  • President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), addressing HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention.
  • Feed the Future, tackling hunger and food security issues.
  • Power Africa, expanding electricity access across Africa.
  • Water for the World Act, improving water, sanitation, and hygiene services.

USAID’s Role in India

  • USAID’s engagement with India began in 1951 under the India Emergency Food Aid Act signed by President Harry Truman.
  • The funding freeze is unlikely to have a major impact on India, given its reduced dependence on USAID assistance.
  • However, it may affect select ongoing projects in health and sanitation. In 2024, USAID allocated $79.3 million for India’s healthcare sector.

Coal Production in India


  • Recently, Jharkhand Chief Minister has urged the Union Minister for Coal and Mines to clear the state’s coal dues amounting to Rs 1.36 trillion.

About the Coal Production in India

  • India is the second largest coal producer in the world, after China. The all India Production of coal during 2023-24 was 997.83 MT with a positive growth of 11.71%.
  • Jharkhand is the country’s largest coal producer, accounting for 26% of the coal reserves.
  • In 2023, it produced nearly 157 million tonnes of coal.
  • According to the Jharkhand government, the Centre owes it Rs 1.01 lakh crore for land acquisition for mining, Rs 32,000 crore for common cause judgement and Rs 2,900 crore on royalties payable on washed coal.

Key Points

  • Outstanding Dues: The Jharkhand government highlighted the significant outstanding dues from coal mining operations in the state. These dues have been a long-standing issue, impacting the state’s financial health.
  • Land Management: He emphasized that lands on which mining operations have been completed should be returned to the Jharkhand government.
  • He pointed out that many coal projects in the state have abandoned lands, leading to illegal mining activities.
  • Environmental Concerns: He stressed the need to reduce the environmental damage caused by mining activities.
  • He suggested that coal companies take initiatives to open permanent training centres, encourage mining tourism, and shift the headquarters of Coal India to Jharkhand from West Bengal.
  • Collaboration: Union Minister for Coal and Mines directed central government officials to collaborate with the state government to verify the authenticity of the claims and ensure proper management of coal mining, production, transportation, land acquisition, and compensation.

Santa Ana Winds


  • Climate change increased the likelihood of the wildfires in California that made it more severe with strong Santa Ana winds.

About the Santa Ana Winds

  • These are katabatic winds that originate from high-pressure air masses in the Great Basin and upper Mojave Desert, sweeping down through mountain passes and canyons to the coastal regions
  • These are often referred to as ‘devil winds’ due to their hot, dry, and strong nature.

Characteristics of Santa Ana Winds

  • Hot and extremely dry, with low relative humidity, that can bring the hottest weather of the year to Southern California.
  • These winds are known for creating critical fire weather conditions, as the combination of high wind speeds, warm air, and low humidity can fan destructive wildfires.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome


  • Recently, an outbreak of Guillain-Barré syndrome was reported across different regions in India.

About the Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)

Guillain Barre Syndrome
  • It is a rare autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the peripheral nerves.
  • It can lead to muscle weakness, numbness, and even paralysis.
  • The exact cause of GBS is unknown, but it is often preceded by an infection, such as respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, including COVID-19.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

  • GBS typically begins with tingling and weakness in the feet and legs, which can spread to the upper body.
  • Other symptoms may include difficulty walking, facial weakness, difficulty swallowing, and in severe cases, respiratory failure.
  • Diagnosis is based on clinical observations and tests such as nerve conduction studies and lumbar punctures.

Treatment and Recovery

  • While there is no cure for GBS, treatments such as intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and plasma exchange (plasmapheresis) can help reduce symptoms and speed up recovery.
  • Supportive care, including physical therapy and pain management, is also crucial.
  • Most people recover fully, but recovery can take months or even years.

Prevention and Awareness

  • Preventing infections that can trigger GBS, such as through vaccination and good hygiene practices, is key to reducing the risk.
  • Raising awareness about the symptoms and early signs of GBS can also help ensure timely medical intervention and better outcomes.

Disaster Risk Transfer Parametric Insurance Solution


  • Nagaland became India’s first state to insure its entire area under Disaster Risk Transfer Parametric Insurance Solution (DRTPS) to protect the state’s infrastructure and reduce economic losses due to disaster in 2024.


  • It is an innovative financial mechanism designed to provide quick and efficient payouts to governments and organizations in the event of natural disasters.
  • It is triggered by specific, pre-defined events, such as the intensity of a storm or the occurrence of an earthquake, rather than by the actual losses incurred.
  • It allows for faster financial support, helping to mitigate the economic impact of disasters and accelerate recovery efforts.

Working of Parametric Insurance

  • Unlike traditional insurance, which requires detailed damage assessments and can take weeks or months to process claims, parametric insurance provides pre-determined payouts based on the occurrence of specific events.
  • It means that once the event meets the predefined criteria, the insured receives financial support quickly, often within days or weeks.


  • The DRTPS initiative is expected to improve disaster resilience and ensure better protection for the state’s people and resources.
  • Providing quick payouts after disasters helps to ensure rapid recovery and reduces economic losses, making it a valuable tool for disaster risk management.

Engaging Communities to Safeguard Ocean Life


  • A recent analysis by UNESCO has revealed that nearly 20% of species residing in UNESCO’s World Heritage Marine Sites live in unsuitably warm waters.

Key Findings of Engaging Communities to Safeguard Ocean Life

  • About 881 out of 4,406 species mapped in 21 of UNESCO’s 51 World Heritage marine sites have reached or exceeded their thermal limits.
  • These species include 342 fish species, 135 species of algae, and 76 species of molluscs.
  • Notably, five species of mammals and seven species of sharks are also affected.

Affected Species

  • Among the mammals, species such as the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, West Indian manatee, southern elephant seal, True’s beaked whale, and Crabeater seal are living in areas with unsuitable temperatures.
  • The shark species affected include the lesser sandshark, Whitespotted eagle ray, Caribbean reef shark, Southern stingray, Krefft’s ray, Lemon shark, and yellow stingray.
Engaging Communities to Safeguard Ocean Life

Thermal Limit Hotspots

  • The Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System has the highest percentage of species living at their thermal limits, with 53% of its species affected.
  • Coiba National Park in Panama follows with 26.6%, and Everglades National Park in the USA with 24.4%.
  • Other notable sites include Banc d’Arguin National Park in Mauritania (23.9%) and the Sundarbans in the Bay of Bengal (19.8%).

Impact of Warming Waters

  • Warming oceans impose significant stress on marine life, affecting food availability, reproduction, and overall well-being.
  • Species under heat stress exhibit reduced reproductive rates and increased vulnerability to disease.
  • While some species may adapt or migrate to cooler waters, many are unlikely to survive in conditions beyond their tolerance.

Ocean Heat Trends

  • Global sea surface temperatures have increased by approximately 1°C since 1884, and projections suggest a potential rise of 4.4°C by the end of the century if emissions continue unchecked.
  • This increase in ocean temperatures disrupts oxygen and nutrient circulation, vital for marine life, and poses a threat to marine ecosystems.

Subjective Questions

Q1. Considering the multiple facets of India’s clean energy transition, including the adoption of renewable energy sources, grid modernization, and energy efficiency measures, what strategies and policies should the government prioritize to ensure a sustainable and inclusive energy future for the country?

Q2. Given the objectives and proposed changes in the Draft National Policy on Agricultural Marketing, what are the potential benefits and challenges of implementing this policy?

Q3. What strategies and policy interventions do you believe are necessary to effectively reduce stubble burning while ensuring the economic well-being of farmers?

Q4. In light of the recent recognition of traditional pastoral routes and the restrictions on afforestation in key grazing areas by the Himachal Pradesh Forest Department, what are the potential benefits and challenges of safeguarding pastoralist rights over grazing lands?