The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3



COP-15 summit adopts historic biodiversity deal


What are the outcomes of the U.N. biodiversity conference? And their significance 

GS 2


A role for India in a world wide web 

(International Relations)


Know about India’s role in shaping the emerging global “network” which would define international relations and world politics in the 21st century, challenges, and ways to tackle them.

GS 3


The cost to the country just for savings in CTC 


What is the Cost to the company (CTC)? the reason behind the global trend of outsourcing, Is it beneficial for the economy? issues and suggestions 

GS 2


Criminalising consensual relationships 

(Polity and Governance)

Should the age of consent be changed for adolescents? Why are consensual and non-exploitative sexual acts also coming under the radar of the POCSO Act and IPC? What are the ground realities? What have the courts observed? and way ahead 

GS 3


The minimum tax on big businesses


What are the features and objectives for a global minimum tax?


GS 3




What are carbon markets and how do they operate?


What are carbon markets?What are the types of carbon markets?What does the Energy Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 2022, say about carbon markets and what are the concerns?


GS 1


Contextualising Ambedkar’s idea of a moral democracy

(Significant Personalities)

How does Ambedkar situate morality in his

discourse of democracy? Types of morality ,key analysis and way ahead 


GS 3


80% decline in insurgency­related violence in northeast: Minister

(Internal Security)

What is the present status of insurgency-related violence in Northeast India? governments’ efforts in this direction.

GS 2


LS passes Bill to extend ST status  to Betta­Kuruba

(Polity and Governance)

What are features  and objectives of Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Fourth Amendment) Bill, 2022?

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