Indian Express

Indian Express


Pg No 


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 2


GS 3




Supreme Court empowered Delhi govt, Centre gets ordinance to put bureaucrats over CM

(Polity and Governance)


RBI withdraws its high-value Rs 2000 notes, sets Sept 30 as the deadline for exchange 



What are the key features and objectives of the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Ordinance, 2023? Issues and way ahead 


Why are the Rs 2000 denomination banknotes being withdrawn? And implications of the move 


GS 3



At UN meet on disaster risk reduction , India says time to focus on funding,early warning 

(Disaster Management) 

What is the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction? Features, objectives, and progress 

GS 3


As permafrost thaws, buried toxic waste may be released: new study 


What is Permafrost? What are the Findings of the Study? What are the Implications of Thawing Permafrost?

GS 1


India’s Women in science, and their struggle

(Women Empowerment )

Know about Data on Women in science,Challenges faced by them , Initiatives taken by the Government and Other organizations, and Way forward

GS 2


Jerusalem Day

(International Relations)

What is ‘Jerusalem Day’ and why is it an Israeli-Palestinian flashpoint?


GS 2


Freedom and Reasonable restriction : red lines around the right to assembly 

(Polity and Governance)

Why the Andhra HC struck down an order seeking to regulate public assemblies and processions? What is the government order and why was it issued? constitutional safeguards in this context and SC ruling

GS 2


Delhi to Canberra,a new journey 

(International Relations)

How have been the India- Australia Relations so far? Challenges ,recent developments and future outlook