Indian Express

Indian Express


Pg No 


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3


Lift off for pvt sector in space 


Know about Vikram-S and its relevance 

GS 3


Impose cost on nations which back terror: PM targets Pakistan, China

(Internal Security)

What are the outcomes of No Money for Terror” conference ?

GS 2


New draft privacy law eases cross border flow of data ,hikes penalties for breach 

(Government Policies & Interventions)

Know about features and objectives of The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2022 

GS 3


Filling the holes in safety nets 


What are the Effective Approaches for Financial Consumer Protection in the digital age? And Why regulators must take a coordinated approach to protect financial consumers?

GS 2


Global Task on india’s table 

(International Groupings)

What does the G-20 presidency mean for India?India’s action plan ,key analysis and way ahead .

GS 3


Pick the winners 


Know about  India’s Industrial Policy ,recent developments ,emerging issues and what steps need to be taken in this context ?


GS 3


A world without nukes 

( Nuclear Technology)

What is a nuclear weapon?Issues linked to Nuclear weapons,International jurisprudence,the general attitude among countries about existing nuclear and arms related treaties,India’s nuclear  doctrine and Conclusion and Way ahead 

GS 3


Narco test

(Science and Technology)

What is a narco test? And the Supreme Court’s observation .

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