The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 2




More Afghan cities fall as Taliban near Kabul



Why The Taliban seized more major cities, about the genesis of Taliban, its objectives, impact on global peace and security, suggestions to tackle it .

GS 2


House is for debate, not political battles: Venkaiah

(Polity and Governance)

General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Amendment Bill, 2021, objectives and need 

GS 3


Kerala to take over 13 estates close to forests



Know about Human-wildlife conflict, causes, Repercussions of this conflict, Preventive measures


GS 3


Growth needs steps beyond reforms



Learn about post-independence economic history, the significance of  1991 reforms, present status, key analysis and way forward 

GS 2


An Indian sail to navigate the maritime environment



About UNSC High-Level Open Debate on “Enhancing Maritime Security, Present status of Maritime security worldwide, challenges associated with it, the relevance of building maritime ties and developing maritime infrastructure through regional cooperation initiatives, Primacy of UNCLOS, key analysis and way forward 


GS 2


ABPMJAY gave ?2,794 cr. for COVID treatment


(Welfare Schemes)

Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya

Yojana (ABPMJAY), its features, significance and achievements 

GS 3


Govt. allows GM soy meal import to support the poultry industry


Objectives behind Centre decision to allow the import of crushed genetically modified soybean, What are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), Advantages, Disadvantages· GM crops in India

GS 3


Govt. extends export rebate for garments


Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies (RoSCTL) scheme, features and objectives 

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