Indian Express

Indian Express


Pg No 


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3




PM launches scrap policy for unfit vehicles; projects gain for owners, economy


Why scrap old cars, and how


Please learn about salient features of national vehicle scrapping policy aka Voluntary Vehicle-Fleet Modernisation Programme. What are its benefits for the owners and the scrapping & recycling industry? How will it fuel the circular economy? What are the aspects overlooked in the policy? 

GS 2


Fourth time in 2 years, Centre rejects collegium name for judge in J&K


What is the Collegium System? What are the benefits of the collegium system? Can the executive deny collegium in the appointment of the judges? What are alternatives for Judicial appointments?

GS 3


Govt bans single-use plastic from 2022


Plastic with thickness less than 50 micron was already banned. Now, what types of single-use plastic are being banned? Also learn about the efficacy of such steps.

GS 3


In a first, India set to import 15 lakh tonnes of genetically modified soyameal

(Economy, Environment)

Why does the government agree to import Genetically Modified Soymeal? What are FSSAI guidelines on GM Food? What are the apprehensions regarding the GM Crops in the food? What is the way ahead?

GS 1


At 75, will India embrace the logic of freedom or Partition?

(Society, History)

How can the present day communal disharmony in India be traced back to the colonial era? What should be done to curb this divisive force?

GS 3


Greenwashed & stylish

(Economy, Environment)

The fashion industry is one of the greatest polluting industries. What are the ways to make it more eco-friendly?

GS 3


We need a way to measure true human progress


What can be a true measure of progress, GDP or HDP? How can HDP be formulated? The article is very important to gain an insight on writing conclusions of questions related to poverty, development and growth, etc.

GS 2


Return of a spectre


Seeing the Taliban is getting stronger day by day, what should be India’s next step to ensure it’s sphere of influence remains intact in Central Asia? Further, how can India tackle the radicals of the region?

GS 1


The many socio-cultural and political processes that led to India’s freedom


The Indian Freedom struggle was not merely Gandhian but an amalgamation of different ideologies and leaders. Please read the article to learn about such undersung heroes and their books.

GS 1 & 2


How revising Arunachal Pradesh ST list helps self-identification

(Society, Governance)

What is the significance of recently passed Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill 2021. How will it impact Arunachal Pradesh Tribes?

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