The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3


Moody’s lowers India’s growth projection to 9.3%


2021’s growth projection for India scaled down to 9.3% by Moody’s Investors Service. Reasons behind it and implications for the economy.

GS 2


A matter of concern


Categorisation of the new Indian variant (B.1.617) and its family as a Variant of Concern (VOC) by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Know about newly emerging variants, associated health concerns and suggestions.

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Evaluate the Ladakh crisis, keep China at bay

(International Relations)

Know about the status of the India-China disengagement talks and measures and suggestions to strengthen Indian hold on its border.

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Not all crises are opportunities for reforms


2021 marking 30 years to the Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation (LPG) reforms of 1991 and the success achieved so far. Draw parallels between both the landmark years, highlighting the need for such reforms and the impact they have had on Indian economy.

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How to adopt a child legally

(Social Justice)

Know about the laws and bodies governing the child adoption policies in India. What is the procedure, challenges and related suggestions.

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Cut in GST can make vaccines cheaper, say experts

(Health and Economy)

Various measures suggested by tax experts to make Covid-19 vaccines and other critical supplies cheaper.

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Queries raised on DRDO’s COVID drug


Emergency use approval by the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) to the 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose drug of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) for Covid-19. Normal usage and concerns highlighted with respect to the emergency approval.

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China’s population growth slows to lowest rate in decades

(International Relations)

China’s slowing population growth rate and implications on the speed of India overtaking it. Reasons behind the decline and what can India learn from it?

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What’s happening in Jerusalem?

(International Relations)

Know about the recent unrecent in Jerusalem, which has been at the centre of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Historical background, issues, motives, concerns and a way forward. How can India play a role in solving the issue?

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Saudi aid worth $123 mn announced for Pakistan

(International Relations)

Saudi Arabia-Pakistan relations and implications for India and its regional and bilateral relationships. 

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MFI sector urges RBI backing for emergency credit support


Microfinance sector reaches out to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for support, under the impact of the second wave of the pandemic. Various measures suggested and possible implications for the sector.

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SEBI pitches for ‘person in control’ over ‘promoter’


Know about the Securities and Exchange Board of India’s (SEBI) new proposals to rationalise the definition of ‘promoter group’ and move to the concept of ‘person in control’ as well as lower the minimum lock-in periods for promoters and other shareholders after an IPO. Rationale behind the step, impact, concern and a way forward. 

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