Indian Express

Indian Express


Pg No 


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3


After GM, Harley, Ford Motor drives out, shuts plants


Why are the automobile companies exiting India? What are the challenges faced by these companies? How will it impact India and what is the way ahead?

GS 2


BRICS leaders don’t name Taliban: talks reminder, warning on terror


What are the key features of the New Delhi Declaration adopted at the BRICS summit held in India? Why are world leaders reluctant to openly name the Taliban?

GS 2 & 3




IIT canvas beyond tech: 6 rank in top 20 for MBA

NIRF rankings: Jamia jumps up four places to rank 6, JNU holds on to rank 2


What is the NIRF framework? What are the parameters considered by it? What are the new trends seen and probable reasons behind them? What is the take away for the Government and other Educational institutes?

GS 3


Leopard caught on camera trap at Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary


Where is Asola Bhatti Sanctuary? Learn about leopards, their habitat and IUCN status. What are conservation schemes for protecting big cats?

GS 2


Rajnath, Gadkari inaugurate emergency landing strip on NH-925 near Pak border


How can using the highways as landing strips can change the whole war game?

GS 2


India’s interests won’t be served by demonising Taliban


How should India proceed with the Taliban? What can be the fallouts of recognising Taliban? How can India neutralise Pakistani Grip over Afghanistan?

GS 2


How India and Germany can work together to tackle climate change


How can Germany and India complement each other in fulfilling Environmental Objectives like EU’s Green Deal, Renewable Energy, etc?

GS 1 & 2


The uneasy campus

(History, Governance)

How is the current row at Vishwa Bharati is in conflict with the ethos of Shanti Niketan founded by Rabindranath Tagore? Way Ahead.

GS 3


Mumbai’s climate adaptation plan must consider all citizens, especially the most vulnerable


What can be suggestions for the draft Climate Adaptation Plan (MCAP) being prepared by Mumbai? How can it incorporate the most vulnerable?

GS  2


India’s diplomatic win on Afghanistan


What are provisions of UNSC resolution 2593? What is its significance in the current scenario?

GS 1 & 2


An Indian Muslim’s lament for his homeland

(Society, Polity)

What are the problems faced by Muslims especially due to the surge in right wing ideology? What are constitutional and legal protections to minorities in India? What is the way forward?

GS 1


France to give free access to contraception for women aged up to 25


What are the problems faced by teenagers? How the step of France to provide free contraception for women aged upto 25 is a welcome move?

GS 3


Explained: What Chandrayaan-2 has sent

(Sc & tech)

What are the different findings of Chandrayaan 2 mission? What is the significance of these findings? 

GS 3


Explained: How tokens instead of credit card details can make transactions safer


What is the difference between a token and a credit card? How will token be more safe in digital transactions?

GS 3


Mu variant of Covid-19: Reason for interest, but not yet a concern in India


What is the B.1.621 variant? Where was it first found? What are the concerns related to Mu Variant?

GS 3


Explained: Why Big Tech companies’ foray into financial services is raising concerns


How are the big giants entering into the Indian Financial market like Amazon Pay has partnered with Kuvera; Google Pay with Equitas? Why is it a matter of concern? What is the way ahead?

GS 3


Room to spend more; financial system much safer today, says Uday Kotak


How is present India seeing a credit boom and strong investment cycle? How will banking and Finance play a key role in economic growth? What are the challenges before the sector and way ahead?

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