Golan Heights

In News

  • Israeli PM recently said the country intends to double the amount of settlers living in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights with a multimillion-dollar plan meant to further consolidate Israel’s hold on the territory it captured from Syria more than five decades ago.

Golan Heights (Golan Plateau)

  • About:
    • Golan Heights refers to the border region captured from Syria by Israel during the Six-Day Middle-East War of 1967.
    • This region includes the western two-thirds of the geological Golan Heights and the Israeli-occupied part of Mount Hermon.
  • Geographically
    • It is bounded by the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee on the west, Mount Hermon on the north, the seasonal Wadi Al-Ruqq?d on the east, and the Yarm?k River on the south.
  • International Recognition:
    • The U.S. was the first country to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan, which the rest of the international community regards as Israeli-occupied.


Source: IE

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