Understanding IMF Bailouts

In News

  • IMF agrees to consider bailout plans for Sri Lanka amid an economic crisis in the country 


  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) last week confirmed a $3 billion bailout plan for Sri Lanka’s struggling economy.
  • The IMF plays a key role in promoting global economic stability through its policies, especially bailouts which have a significant impact on the global economy and on individual countries around the world.
  • The IMF usually imposes conditions such as structural reforms as a condition on countries before it lends any money to them.
  • The IMF has also confirmed its negotiations with Pakistan for a $1.1 billion bailout plan as the country faces a severe economic crisis marked by a falling currency and price rise.

What is the International Monetary Fund?

  • The International Monetary Fund is an international organization that was established in 1944 to promote international economic cooperation, exchange rate stability and resources to member countries experiencing economic difficulties.
  • It is headquartered in Washington D.C., United States, and currently has 190 member countries.
  • It is governed by a Board of Governors, which is composed of one governor from each member country.
  • Each member country has a number of votes in the IMF based on its quota system which reflects a member’s relative size in the global economy.
  • At present, the IMF has resources of over $1 trillion, which it uses to provide loans and other forms of assistance to member countries.

Major roles

  • Lending: The IMF provides loans to member countries experiencing balance of payments difficulties to overcome short-term economic problems and implement policies to achieve long-term stability.
  • Surveillance: It monitors global economic developments and provides advice and assistance to member countries to help them maintain macroeconomic stability.
  • Technical Assistance: It provides technical assistance to member countries in areas such as tax policy, budget management, and financial sector regulation.
  • Capacity Building: The IMF also provides capacity building programs to help member countries develop the necessary skills and institutions to manage their economies effectively.

India and IMF 

  • India faced a severe economic crisis in the late 1980s and early 1990s due to a balance of payment crisis, high inflation, and large fiscal deficits.
  • To address these issues, the Indian government implemented a series of economic reforms in 1991, known as the New Economic Policy.
  • India in this regard sought assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to stabilize its economy and restore confidence in the country’s financial system.
  • In 1991, India signed a loan agreement with the IMF for $2.2 billion, which was the largest loan ever extended by the IMF to a single country at that time.
  • The IMF bailout in the 1990s played a critical role in India’s economic reforms and helped to put the country on a path to sustained economic growth and development. 

How does the IMF help countries?

  • The IMF basically lends money, often in the form of special drawing rights (SDRs), to troubled economies that seek the lender’s assistance.
  • SDRs simply represent a basket of five currencies, namely the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Chinese yuan, the Japanese yen, and the British pound.
  • The IMF carries out its lending to troubled economies through a number of lending programs such as the extended credit facility, the flexible credit line, the stand-by agreement, etc.
  • Countries receiving the bailout can use the SDRs for various purposes depending on their individual circumstances.
  • Currently, both Sri Lanka and Pakistan are in urgent need of U.S. dollars to import essential items and also to pay their foreign debt.

Need for IMF bailouts

  • Economic Stability: IMF bailouts provide a source of financial support to stabilize a country’s economy, prevent further economic decline and restore confidence in the country’s ability to repay its debts.
  • Preventing Contagion: IMF bailouts help prevent financial crises from spreading to other countries by containing the economic damage and stabilizing the financial system of the affected country.
  • Structural Reforms: IMF bailouts often come with conditions for economic policy changes and structural reforms that can help the country address its underlying economic problems and put it on a sustainable path to growth and development.
  • Access to International Capital Markets: IMF support can help a country regain access to international capital markets, which is essential for economic growth and development.
  • Multilateral Cooperation: IMF bailouts are a form of multilateral cooperation that promotes financial stability and economic growth in the global economy.

Major issues with IMF bailouts

  • Conditionality: IMF bailouts are typically tied to strict conditions that often require countries to implement painful economic reforms, such as austerity measures and structural adjustments, which can be politically difficult to implement and can negatively impact vulnerable populations.
  • Moral hazard: IMF bailouts can create a moral hazard problem, where countries become dependent on the IMF and do not take the necessary steps to address their underlying economic problems, knowing that the IMF will step in to provide financial assistance.
  • Debt sustainability: Bailouts can also exacerbate a country’s debt problem by providing temporary relief without addressing the underlying structural issues that led to the crisis in the first place leading to a cycle of repeated IMF bailouts and increasing debt burdens.
  • Political interference: There have been instances where the IMF has been accused of political interference in the countries which can undermine the credibility of the IMF and create tensions between the organization and the recipient country.
  • Social impact: IMF bailouts can have negative social impacts, particularly on vulnerable populations such as the poor and marginalized.


  • IMF bailouts as financial assistance programs have been helpful in providing relief to countries experiencing economic crises or facing the risk of defaulting on their debts. 
  • While these programs have been helpful in stabilizing economies and preventing further economic damage, they also come with a set of challenges which needs to be relooked.
  • In the long run, IMF bailouts play a critical role in stabilizing the global financial system besides preventing economic crises from escalating into full-blown financial contagions.

 Source: TH