Madhav National Park

In News 

  • The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has given the green signal to relocate five tigers from three national parks of the state to Madhav National Park (MNP).

Madhav National Park(MNP)

  • About:
    • It is situated near Shivpuri town in Madhya Pradesh and is a part of the upper Vindhyan hills. 
    • It was the hunting ground of Mughal emperors and Maharaja of Gwalior. 
    • It got the status of a National Park in 1958.
  • Biodiversity: 
    • It  is gifted with a diverse ecosystem comprising lakes, forests and grasslands. The forest is home to antelopes like Nilgai, Chinkara and Chowsinga and Deer including Chital, Sambar and Barking Deer. Animals like the Leopard, Wolf, Jackal, Fox, Wild Dog, Wild Pig, Porcupine, Python etc are also sighted in the park.


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