Sukhatal Lake

In News

  • The Uttarakhand High Court recently directed the State to stop all construction activities on the lake bed and posted the matter for further hearing. 

About Sukhatal Lake

  • It is a freshwater lake located in Nainital.
  • The lake is surrounded by dense pine and oak forests.
  • These verdant forests are the home to a number of migratory birds who visit this place from all over the globe. 

Why is Sukhatal important?

  • It is believed that Sukhatal is a feeder lake for Naini Lake, as it acts as upstream storage for Naini Lake during monsoon by holding the runoff from catchment of water that would have otherwise flown out, thereby increasing erosion and silt deposition in Naini Lake. 
  • Encroachment and dumping of construction and other waste have led to unprecedented deterioration of Sukhatal lakebed and its ability to recharge Naini Lake. 

Source: IE

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