Glasgow Climate Meet: India doesn’t rule out ‘net zero’ Commitment

In News

  • CoP 26 is soon to begin in Glasgow with focus on commitment to Net Zero.
    • India doesn’t rule out ‘net zero’ commitment but insists on earlier pledges for tech transfer funds from developed countries.

Focus of the Meeting

  • To have all nations commit to a ‘net zero’, or a year by when a country’s fossil fuel emissions would peak and at some point be neutralised.
    • All countries doing this by 2050, would mean a chance of restricting average temperature rise to 1.5 Celsius.
      • Provided emissions fall to around 45% of 2010 levels by 2030.
  • Deep and significant cuts to fossil fuel use.
    • This could affect the development trajectory of India and other developing countries.

India’s Stand 

  • India hasn’t entirely ruled out the possibility of agreeing to a ‘net zero’ target.
    • A study by the think tank Council for Energy Environment and Water projects that for India to achieve a net-zero target by 2070, 
      • Usage of coal especially for power generation would need to peak by 2040 and drop by 99% between 2040 and 2060. 
      • The consumption of crude oil across sectors would also need to peak by 2050 and fall substantially by 90% between 2050 and 2070. 
  • India will not budge on demands from developed nations on making good on previous commitments such as
    • An annual $100 billion to developing countries for mitigating the impacts of climate change
    • Facilitating technology transfer 
    • Putting in place a tangible market-based mechanism to activate the moribund carbon credit markets.
  • Even if India doesn’t announce a net zero target, it may update its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)
    • That could include higher clean-energy targets or reductions in specific categories of emissions.
  • India and the United Kingdom have agreed to strengthen climate initiatives and further their green partnership.
    • India would support the UK’s COP Presidency, wishing COP26 to be the COP of action and implementation.

Objections and Apprehensions of India in achieving Net Zero

  • High Hunger and Poverty:
    • India is always determined to eschew the use of fossil fuel but only gradually.
    • It cannot compromise on development, that is now primarily reliant on coal.
    • Even the recent Global Hunger Index has put India much behind as compared to its neighbours.
  • Against Common but Differentiated Responsibility:
    • Also as it goes against the core principle of ‘common but differentiated responsibility’ 
      • Which requires developed countries, who are responsible for the climate crisis, to take on deeper cuts 
      • Also, to pay developing countries for the environmental damage from rising temperature and finance their transition to clean energy sources. 

What is Net-zero?

  • Net-zero is also referred to as carbon-neutrality.
  • It is a state in which a country’s emissions are compensated by absorption and removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
  • It does not mean that a country would bring down its emissions to zero. 
  • Absorption of the emissions can be increased by 
    • Creating more carbon sinks such as forests, 
    • Removal of gases from the atmosphere by technologies carbon capture and storage.

Why a call for net-zero?

  • For the last two years, a very active campaign has been going on to get every country to sign on to a net-zero goal for 2050. 
  • It is being considered as the only way to achieve the Paris Agreement target 
    • To keep the planet’s temperature from rising beyond 2°C compared to pre-industrial times.
  • The net-zero formulation does not assign any emission reduction targets on any country.

India: Transforming to a Net-Zero Emissions Energy System

  • A report released jointly by TERI(The Energy and Resources Institute) and Shell.
  • It draws a pathway for the domestic energy system towards net-zero emissions by 2050, while achieving India’s sustainable economic development ambitions.

India’s NDC 

  • India, the world’s third largest emitter.
    • India’s average per capita emissions was 1.96 tons/person/annum, the European Union’s was 8.4 and the United States was 18.
  • In 2015 NDCs India committed to 
    • Increase the share of non-fossil fuel sources to 40% 
    • Reduce its emissions intensity per unit of GDP by nearly 33-35% of 2005 levels 
    • Create a carbon sink of 2.5-3 billion tons of CO2 equivalent.
  • Contribution of Corporates
    • Indian corporates are also stepping up, 
      • The Tata Group winning awards on sustainability, 
      • Mahindra committed to net-zero by 2040, and Reliance by 2035.

Source: TH

Why should India commit to the net zero target ?

  • National interest:
    • It is among the most vulnerable countries to climate change and, thus, should be the most active ones against the threats.
  • International Influence: 
    • India is a rising power,and thus needs to  seek stronger global influence.
    • India’s reluctance to commit to the target would be a significant drag on India’s diplomacy.
  • Economic Implications:
    • A trade-off between reducing emissions and economic growth is very difficult.
    • The negative impacts of climate change in India’s economic development is now central to success, not an added luxury to consider.
    • For Instance, the U.K. has reduced emissions by over 40% and grown its economy by over 70% since 1990.
    • Solar energy costs have fallen 90% in recent years, providing the cheapest electricity India has ever seen.

Way Ahead

  • International cooperation:
    • Stronger political engagement with stronger policy support in areas like 
      • Energy policy, 
      • Carbon markets, 
      • Technology Transfer,
      • Economic recovery.
  • Decarbonizing investment:
    • Focus should be on zero-emissions transport
    • New technologies to decarbonise sectors like steel, cement, and chemicals, and agriculture offer significant scope to raise ambition.

Source: TH