Call Before U Dig APP

In News

  • Recently, the Prime Minister launched the ‘Call Before u Dig’ (CBuD) app, to tackle Uncoordinated digging and excavation.


  • The Call Before u Dig mobile application, an initiative of the Department of Telecommunications  aims to prevent damage to underlying assets like optical fibre cables that occurs because of uncoordinated digging and excavation
  • It  is estimated that  uncoordinated digging and excavation causes  losses of about Rs 3,000 crore every year.
  • The app will connect excavators and asset owners so that there are planned excavations in the country while ensuring the safety of underground assets.
  • It aims to give excavating companies a point of contact, where they can inquire about existing subsurface utilities before starting excavation work. Utility owners can also find out about impending work at the location.


  • The App will save potential business loss and minimise discomfort to the citizens due to reduced disruption in essential services like road, telecom, water, gas and electricity.

Source: IE

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