National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA)

In News

  • National eVidhan Application (NeVA) has been developed on the theme of ‘One Nation – One Application’. 

About National eVidhan Application (NeVA)

  • It is a Unicode compliant software having provision for easy access to various documents like List of Questions, List of Business, Reports etc. bilingually viz. English and any regional language. 
  • This application is spearheading the principle of ‘One Nation- One Application’ with the objective of Cloud First and Mobile First to serve Members’ FIRST.
  • It is a work-flow system deployed on NIC Cloud, MeghRaj which helps the Chair of the House to conduct the proceedings of the House smoothly, Hon’ble Members to carry out their duties in the House efficiently and to conduct Legislative Business of the House in a Paperless manner.
  • It is a device neutral and member centric application created to equip them to handle diverse House Business smartly by putting entire information regarding member contact details, rules of procedure, list of business, notices, bulletins, bills, starred/unstarred questions and answers, papers laid, committee reports etc. in their hand held devices/ tablets and equip all Legislatures/ Departments to handle it efficiently. 


  • It is transforming all State Legislatures into ‘DIGITAL HOUSES’ so as to enable them to transact entire Government Business on digital platforms including information exchange with the State Government Departments in digital mode. 
  • It stands for bringing far-reaching transformation in the governance across the country by making the people well informed & enlightening citizens and thereby strengthening the roots of the democracy in the country.
  •  It is not only bringing greater synergy, coordination, transparency and accountability between the Legislature and the executive in a State, but also across the States. 
  • It will completely eliminate the process of sending out a notice/request for collection of data.

Source :PIB

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