Capacity Development Scheme

In News 

  • Recently, the Cabinet approved the continuation of the Capacity Development (CD) Scheme till 31.03.2026, with outlay of ?3179 crores.


  • The CD Scheme is a Central Sector Scheme of MoSPI.
  • Objective: To augment infrastructural, technical as well as manpower resources for enabling the availability of credible and timely official statistics.
  • It comprises two sub-schemes:
    • Support for Statistical Strengthening (SSS): It aims to improve the statistical capacity and operations of State Statistical Systems for collecting, compiling and disseminating reliable official statistics.
    • Economic Census: It is conducted periodically to give the complete count of all non-farm economic establishments located within the geographical boundary of India. 
      • It provides disaggregated information on various operational and structural variables of all such establishments of the country. 
      • Its database provides valuable inputs for policymakers to design economic development and employment generation related strategies in States/Districts.


  • The large-scale sample surveys undertaken by the Ministry cover important aspects of the economy and provide data inputs for policy framing of the Government. Besides facilitating evidence-based decision making, these surveys are also utilized by the Government for policy planning.

Source: PIB