Quality of Life for Elderly Index: EAC-PM

In News 

The Quality of Life for Elderly Index was released by the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM). 

Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (PMEAC)

  • Non-constitutional, non-permanent and independent body 
  • Functions: 
    • Gives economic advice to the Prime Minister on economic issues like inflation, microfinance, and industrial output
    • The council serves to highlight key economic issues faced by the country to the government of India from a neutral viewpoint.
    • Publishes 2 major reports
      • Economic Outlook: It is an annual publication.
      • Review of the Economy
  • It has been constituted and abolished many times in the past.
  • The present government revived it in 2017.
  • The present chairman is Mr. Bibek Debroy, who is also a member of NITI Aayog.


Quality of Life for Elderly Index

  • The Index has been created by the Institute for Competitiveness but released by EAC-PM.
  • Focus of report:
    • On the issues and problems often not mentioned but faced by the elderly.
    • The regional patterns of ageing across Indian States.
    • Assessment of the overall ageing situation in India.
    • How well India is doing to support the well-being of its ageing population.
  • Pillars of index:
    • Financial Well-being
    • Social Well-being
    • Health System and 
    • Income Security
  • These 4 pillar are further subdivided in 8 sub pillars:
    • Economic Empowerment
    • Educational Attainment & Employment
    • Social Status
    • Physical Security
    • Basic Health
    • Psychological Well Being
    • Social Security and 
    • Enabling Environment.


Need of the index and study          

  • To understand the needs and opportunities of the elderly population in India
    • Definitely pensions and other forms of income support are critical but  not adequate.
    • This index will help in rising above narrow policy thinking and foster debates about the needs of this age group.
  • Best way to improve the lives of the current and future generations of older people: 
    • The report can provide substantial data about the benefits of investing in health, education and employment for young people today.
  • Demographic Transition:
    • India is often portrayed as a young society, with a consequent demographic dividend. 
    • But, as with every country that goes through a fast process of demographic transition, India also has a greying cum aging problem.
  • Cooperative and competitive Federalism:
    • The index also promotes healthy competition among States through fair rankings and highlights the pillars and indicators they can improve.
    • Using this index as a tool, the State governments and the stakeholders can identify the areas they need to work upon.


Key Highlights from the Report

  • Different Pillars and Indian Performance:
    • The Health System pillar observes the highest national average, followed by Social Well-being. 
    • Financial Well-being across the Education Attainment & Employment pillar has room for improvements.
  • States have performed particularly worse in the Income Security pillar:
    • Over half of the States have a score below the national average, i.e., 33.03 in Income Security, which is the lowest across all pillars. 
  • These pillar-wise analyses help States assess the state of the elderly population and identify existing gaps that obstruct their growth
  • Performance of States:
    • To access performance, states were categorised in 4 categories as listed below:
    • Aged States:
      • It refers to States with an elderly population of more than 5 million.
      • Rajasthan has topped the list.
    • Relatively Aged states
      • It refers to States with an Elderly population of less than 5 million.
      • Himachal Pradesh are top-scoring regions 
    • Union territories
      • Chandigarh is the best performer.
    • North East States
      • Mizoram is at the top.

Current status of different Government run schemes for Old and Aging India

Seniorcare Aging Growth Engine (SAGE) Initiative:

  • Launched by: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
  • An amount of Rs. 100 crore has been assigned for the promotion of the silver economy.
  • Silver economy is the system of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services for an ageing population.
    • The SAGE initiative will target purchasing potential old age and satisfying their consumption, living and health needs can be profitable business.
    • Gerontechnology (Technology pertaining to aged people) is the main component.

Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana (RVY):

  • A central sector scheme launched in 2017
  • Funded by:The Senior Citizens’ Welfare Fund which was notified in 2016.
  • Aims: 
    • To provide aids and assistive living devices to senior citizens belonging to Below Poverty Line (BPL) category
    • It will help those who suffer from age-related disabilities such as low vision, hearing impairment, loss of teeth and locomotor disabilities.

Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY):

  • A pension Scheme for senior citizens launched in 2017 
  • Aim: To provide social security during old age.
  • It comes with guaranteed returns for a period of 10 years.
  • It is exclusively available to those who are 60 years of age and above.

Vayoshreshtha Samman:

  • A National award conferred to eminent senior citizens & institutions under various categories for their contributions on 1st October.
  • 1st October is celebrated as International day of older persons.

Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens (MWPSC) Act, 2007:

  • Aim: To ensure need-based maintenance for Parents and Senior Citizens and their welfare.
  • Many state governments like Assam, etc are also passing similar bills.

Integrated Programme for Older Persons (IPOP):

  • Started in 1992
  • Objective: 
    • To improve the quality of life of older persons by providing basic amenities like shelter, food, medical care and entertainment opportunities, etc.

Source: PIB

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