BRICS on Multilateralism

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Recently, the BRICS Foreign Ministers put out a joint statement on multilateralism at a virtual meeting.


  • China’s Foreign Ministry said the idea behind the statement was to forge a common understanding among the BRICS countries when there were “so many different interpretations and definitions of multilateralism in the world”.
  • China has hit out at “bloc politics” from the United States and the West.
  • Among the targets of Beijing’s recent attacks on what it calls “selective multilateralism” is the India-Australia-Japan-U.S (Quad grouping).

Principles of Multilateral system

  • On the “different interpretations” of multilateralism, the BRICS countries, as representatives of emerging markets and developing countries, have discussed this matter.
  • BRICS Joint Statement on Strengthening and Reforming the Multilateral System laid out the following principles:
    • It should make global governance more inclusive, representative and participatory to facilitate greater and more meaningful participation of developing and least developed countries.
    • It should be based on inclusive consultation and collaboration for the benefit of all.  
    • It should make multilateral organisations more responsive, action-oriented and solution-oriented based on the norms and principles of international law and the spirit of mutual respect, justice, equality, and mutually beneficial cooperation. 
    • It should use innovative and inclusive solutions, including digital and technological tools. 
    • It should strengthen the capacities of individual states and international organizations. 
    • It should promote people-centred international cooperation at the core. 


Background of BRICS

  • July 2006: The leaders of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) countries met for the first time in St. Petersburg, Russia, on the margins of the G8 Outreach Summit. 
  • September 2006: Shortly afterwards, the group was formalised as BRIC during the 1st BRIC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, which met on the sidelines of the UN Assembly in New York City.
  • June 2009: After a series of high-level meetings, the 1st BRIC summit was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia.
  • September 2010: The BRIC group was renamed as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) after South Africa was accepted as a full member at the BRIC Foreign Ministers’ meeting in New York. 
  • April 2011: Accordingly, South Africa attended the 3rd BRICS Summit in Sanya, China.


  • BRICS consists of the major emerging economies from the world, comprising 41% of the world population.
  • It contributes 24% of the world GDP.
  • It has a 16% share in world trade.
  • The total combined area of 29.3% of the total land surface of the world.


(Image Courtesy: )


  • 11th Summit (13–14 November 2019)
    • Held at Brasilia, Brazil.
    • It discussed advancements in the BRICS’s science and innovation fields. 
    • Primarily trying to advance technology and digital currency. 
    • They made mutual agreements to help stop drug trafficking and organized crime; both internationally and internally.
  • 12th Summit
    • postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic then held on 17 November 2020 (video conference)
    • Held at Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    • Joint summit with SCO. 
    • Discussed a mutual agreement on helping BRICS member countries to help foster better living standards and quality of life for each country’s people. 
    • Plans on focusing on peace, economies and cultural societal issues.
  • 13th Summit
    • It is going to be held under India’s Chairship at New Delhi in 2021.
    • It will be the third time that India will be hosting the BRICS Summit after 2012 and 2016.
    • The theme for India’s Chairship is ‘BRICS @ 15: Intra-BRICS Cooperation for Continuity, Consolidation and Consensus’. 

Three pillars of intra-BRICS cooperation

  • Political and Security: To enhance cooperation and dialogue on issues of global and regional security, developments in the global political space for peace, security and prosperity. The priorities under this pillar are:
    • Reform of the Multilateral System
    • Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
  • Economic and Financial: To promote economic growth and development for mutual prosperity through the expansion of intra-BRICS cooperation in sectors such as trade, agriculture, infrastructure, small and medium enterprises, energy and finance & banking. Recognizing the advantages of using technological and digital solutions for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in BRICS countries with a special focus on:
    • Implementation of the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy 2020-25.
    • Operationalization of the BRICS Agriculture Research Platform.
    • Cooperation on Disaster Resilience.
    • Innovation Cooperation.
    • Digital Health and Traditional Medicine.
  • Cultural and People to People:  To qualitatively enrich and enhance intra-BRICS people to people contacts in cultural, academic, youth, sports, business, through regular exchanges. Exchanges among Parliamentarians, young scientists etc. are also held.


Significance of BRICS

  • Platform for global issues: India along with Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa actively engages on issues of global importance through BRICS. E.g. global financial and security situation, countering terrorism, climate change, sustainable development, reform of the multilateral system, reform of WTO and institutions of international governance, ways to promote Intra-BRICS cooperation including in science & technology, trade, health, information and communication technology, people-to-people exchanges.
  • Drives Economic Growth: BRICS countries have been the main engines of global economic growth over the years. From inception, finance and trade have been a major area of Intra-BRICS Cooperation. The New Development Bank (NDB) and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) are the major outcomes in this area.
  • Counter Terrorism: Counter-Terrorism Working Group in BRICS has set up subgroups to cover various aspects of countering terrorism. At the same time, BRICS has emerged as a major factor in a peaceful, prosperous and multipolar world. BRICS Leaders have been supporting India’s stand on countering terrorism and that terrorism is not acceptable in any form and manifestation. 

Challenges for BRICS

  • Cooperation among Members: Whether it can manage the internal contradictions among its members while also simultaneously expanding its agenda to become a more consequential voice at the international level, will determine its success in the coming years.
  • Needs Domestic Economic Growth: The increased intra-BRICS cooperation in areas like health, science and technology, environment, finance, trade, agriculture, etc. will be difficult to sustain if the member states cannot provide the levels of domestic economic growth that ‘provides the basis for their international positions.’ 
  • Containing Assertiveness of China: The rise of China and its resultant impact on the world order has raised questions about the impact of a rising power on multilateral processes.
  • Negative impact of other Global Institutions: Given that BRICS countries on their own are not in a position to mount global efforts to deal with large-scale crises, a paralysis at the level of other multilateral institutions negatively affects agenda formation in BRICS.
  • Role of other Nations: The role of other emerging powers, their foreign policy choices in an evolving global order and response to the US-China equation will affect multilateral behaviour, including that of BRICS.



  • The BRICS countries are “indeed different from a few developed countries in their attitude towards multilateralism and multilateral cooperation.
  • The BRICS countries stress the need to observe the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and oppose exceptionalism and double standards.
  • BRICS are committed to extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and oppose hegemonic bullying and zero-sum games. 
  • BRICS pursue openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, and reject bloc politics and ideological confrontation.

Sources: TH


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