In News
- Recently, the Prime Minister of India addressed teachers and students during the inaugural conclave of ‘Shikshak Parv’.
Key Points from the Speech
- The Prime Minister praised the contribution of academicians, experts, teachers, at every level of the formulation of the National Education Policy and its implementation.
- He also highlighted that the transformation being ushered in the education sector is not just policy-based but also participation based.
- The PM launched five new initiatives in the education sector for accessible education.
About Shikshak Parv, 2021
New Initiatives
- The PM launched five new initiatives in the education sector for accessible education.
- The Indian sign language dictionary
- Talking books
- School Quality Assurance and Assessment Framework of CBSE
- NISHTHA teachers’ training programme for NIPUN Bharat and
- Vidyanjali portal (for facilitating education volunteers/donors/CSR contributors for school development).
- Indian Sign Language Dictionary
- Dictionary of 10,000 words;
- Audio and text embedded sign language video for the hearing impaired, in conformity with universal design of learning.
- Talking books
- Audiobooks for the visually impaired
- School Quality Assessment and Assurance Framework (S.Q.A.A.F)
- It would address the deficiency of the absence of a common scientific framework for dimensions like curricula, pedagogy, assessment, infrastructure, inclusive practices and governance process.
- SQAAF will help in bridging this inequality.
- NISHTHA teachers’ training programme for NIPUN Bharat
- National Initiative for School Heads’ and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement
- Every teacher and head teacher is expected to participate in at least 50 hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities every year for their own professional development, driven by their own interests.
- Aim: To strengthen Schools through community and private sector involvement in schools across the country.
- Initiative of: the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
- Various Volunteers: This initiative would connect schools with varied volunteers from the Indian Diaspora namely, young professionals, school alumni, in service and retired teachers / Government officials / professionals and many others.
- It is a platform for facilitating education volunteers, donors and CSR contributors for school development.
- Verticals: Vidyanjali has two verticals in which volunteers can support and strengthen the government and government aided schools.
- Participate in school Service/Activity: Volunteers can participate in co-scholastic services/activities in government school with relevant knowledge and skill set and bridge the knowledge / skill / human resource gap in the institute.
- Contribute in Assets/Material/Equipment: Volunteers can contribute to school for strengthening the school infrastructure.
The Overall Process Providing Support to School (Image Courtesy: vidyanjali)
Suggestions for the Education Sector
- Societal Involvement: There is a need for all stakeholders, i.e., academicians, experts, teachers etc. to take part in reforming the education sector and involve society at large in the process.
- Private Participation: The private sector has to come forward and contribute to increasing the quality of education in government schools.
- Inclusive & Equitable: For the progress of any country, education should not only be inclusive but equitable as well. The National Digital Architecture is likely to play a major role in eradicating inequality in education and its modernisation.
- Transfer Capabilities: The students, teachers and the entire academic community should take forward the capabilities developed during this pandemic to deal with difficult times.
- New Academic Strategies: In this rapidly changing era, the teachers have to learn about new systems and techniques. Also, they have to be well equipped with digital technologies.
- Continuous Refinement: The teaching-learning process has to be constantly redefined and redesigned to make the education sector in the country world-class.
National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR)
- Vision: A globally pioneering effort in education – A unifying national digital infrastructure to energise and catalyse the education ecosystem.
- Aim: NDEAR is federated, unbundled, interoperable, inclusive, accessible, evolving which aims to create and deliver diverse, relevant, contextual, innovative solutions that benefit students, teachers, parents, communities, administrators and result in timely implementation of policy goals.
- It will act as a ‘super-connect’ between various academic activities like how UPI interfaces revolutionised the banking sector.
(Image Courtesy: NDEAR)
- These schemes are important as these will bring in an educational revolution and place the education system of India on the global map.
- It will encourage innovative practices to ensure not only spread of education at all levels but also to improve quality, institutionalise inclusive practices and enhance sustainability in the schools.
About National Education Policy (NEP) 2020
Salient features of the NEP 2020
Source: IE
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