Debate on the National Language

In News

  • The recent remarks by a Hindi actor to the effect that Hindi is the national language of India sparked a controversy over the status of the language under the Constitution. 


  • Background: 
    • The official language issue was hotly debated in the Constituent Assembly, and the provisions relating to it were formulated only after a compromise that English shall continue to be used for 15 years.
  • Division in Constituent Assembly on the issue: 
    • The Constituent Assembly was bitterly divided on the question, with members from States that did not speak Hindi initially opposing the declaration of Hindi as a national language
  • Against English: 
    • Proponents of Hindi were insistent that English was the language of enslavement and that it should be eliminated as early as possible. Others feared that with English out of consideration, Hindi would  become the national language. 
  • Other suggestions: 
    • There were demands to make Sanskrit the official language, while some argued in favour of ‘Hindustani’
  • Final decision of Constituent Assembly: 
    • It was decided that the Constitution will only speak of an ‘official language’. And that English would continue to be used for a period of 15 years. 
    • The Constitution said that after 15 years, Parliament may by law decide on the use of English and the use of the Devanagari form of numbers for specified purposes.
  • Status of Hindi: 
    • Under Article 343 of the Constitution, the official language of the Union shall be Hindi in Devanagari script. The international form of Indian numerals will be used for official purposes.
    • Hindi is spoken by nearly 57% of Indians and 43% of people reported it as their mother tongue (Census 2011)

Protests of 1965

  • The Official Languages Act, 1963 was passed in anticipation of the expiry of the 15-year period during which the Constitution originally allowed the use of English for official purposes. 
  • Its operative section provided for the continuing use of English, notwithstanding the expiry of the 15-year period. 
  • However, at that time, the then Prime Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to move towards making Hindi the official language for all purposes.
  • Unrest started in non hindi states: In Tamil Nadu, then known as Madras, the prospect of the use of Hindi as the medium of examination and everything else created an apprehension. 
    • The common feeling was that Hindi would be imposed in such a way that the future employment prospects of those who do not speak Hindi will be bleak. 
  • With the Congress government in the State taking the view that the people had nothing to fear about, protests broke out in January 1965. 
  • The agitation died down later, but by then the Congress at the Centre realised the sensitivity of the language issue among Tamil-speaking people. 
    • When the Official Language Rules were framed in 1976, it was made clear that the Rules apply to the whole of India, except Tamil Nadu.

Three Language Formula

  • Since the 1960s, the Centre’s education policy documents speak of teaching three languages: 
    • Hindi, English and one regional language in Hindi-speaking States, 
    • Hindi, English and the official regional language in other States. 
  • In practice, however, only some States teach both their predominant language and Hindi, besides English.
  • In States where Hindi is the official language, a third language is rarely taught as a compulsory subject. 
  • Tamil Nadu has been steadfastly opposing the three-language formula and sticks to teaching Tamil and English. It argues that those who need to know Hindi can learn on their own.

Significance of National Language 

  • It will  keep the spirit of equality and the words of the Indian Constitution high.
  • It will make the communication easy.
  • Translation cost and time will be reduced.
  • National language will work as a symbol of unified India on the World Platform.

Eighth Schedule

  • About: The Eighth Schedule contains a list of languages in the country. Number of languages: Initially, there were 14 languages in the schedule, but now there are 22 languages
  • No fixed procedure to add languages: There is no description of the sort of languages that are included or will be included in the Eighth Schedule. 
  • Mention in the Constitution of India: There are only two references to these languages in the text of the Constitution. 
    • One is in Article 344(1), which provides for the formation of a Commission by the President, which should have a Chairman and members representing these scheduled languages. 
      • The purpose of the Commission is to make recommendations for the progressive use of Hindi for official purposes of the Union and for restricting the use of English.
    • The second reference, found in Article 351, says it is the Union government’s duty to promote the spread of Hindi so that it becomes “a medium of expression for all elements of the composite culture of India”.
      • It will also assimilate elements of forms and expressions from Hindustani and languages listed in the Eighth Schedule.

Image Courtesy: Change 

Classical Languages

  • Currently, six languages enjoy the ‘Classical’ status: 
    • Tamil (declared in 2004), 
    • Sanskrit (2005), 
    • Kannada (2008), 
    • Telugu (2008), 
    • Malayalam (2013), and 
    • Odia (2014).
  • According to information provided by the Ministry of Culture in the Rajya Sabha in February 2014, the guidelines for declaring a language as ‘Classical’ are:
    • High antiquity of its early texts/recorded history over a period of 1500-2000 years;
    • A body of ancient literature/texts, which is considered a valuable heritage by generations of speakers;
    • The literary tradition be original and not borrowed from another speech community;
    • The classical language and literature being distinct from modern, there may also be a discontinuity between the classical language and its later forms or its offshoots.”

Way Ahead

  • The language is a sensitive matter and recognising regional aspirations has contributed to the unity of India.
  • Hence, there is a need to develop consensus rather than imposition from the top. 
  • Zonal Councils and Interstate Council can be a great platform to discuss this sensitive issue.

Constitutional Provisions related to Languages (Part XVII)

  • Article 29: Protects the interests of minorities including Linguistic minorities.
  • Eighth Schedule: Enlists 22 languages as scheduled languages.
  • Art 343: Official language of the Union: Hindi and English (English to be Official Language, first for 15 years after independence and then on the prerogative of Central Govt.)
  • Art 344: Commission and Committee of Parliament on official language
  • Art 345: Official language or languages of a State
  • Art 346: Official language for communication between one State and another or between a State and the Union
  • Art 347: Special provision relating to language spoken by a section of the population of a State.
  • Art 348: Language to be used in the Supreme Court and in the High Courts and for Acts, Bills, etc. (at present English)
  • Art 349: Special procedure for enactment of certain laws relating to language
  • Art 350: Language to be used in representations for redress of grievances
  • Art 350A: Facilities for instruction in mother-tongue at the primary stage
  • Art 350B: Special Officer for linguistic minorities
  • Art 351: Directive for development of the Hindi language

Source: TH


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