Indian Express

Indian Express


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Relevance for Prelims and Mains

GS 2


SC puts sedition trials on hold until centre re-examines, says affected can seek relief

(Polity and Governance)

What is sedition law? Know about the provision of the IPC dealing with sedition, what is its crux? Know the history of sedition law, associated courts’ judgements, present case before the Supreme Court. Know whether the sedition law is justified in present times or it requires repealing.

GS 2


Marital rape: Delhi HC judges split on exception to law

(Polity and Governance)

What is marital rape? Know about different court judgements and the recent court case, relevance of Article 21 in the context.

GS 3


Beating inflation: RBI may have to kill demand, hike rate, suck liquidity

Know about the recent impact of rising inflation, steps taken by the RBI to arrest it. What global and local factors contributed to the problem? Know about ‘stagflation’, is the situation of the economy nearing stagflation?

GS 2


A small win

(Polity and Governance)

Know about sedition law and the present judgment, how its implementation will be a challenge?. Know the history of sedition law, associated courts’ rulings.


GS 3 


Let rupee fall


Know about the recent fall in the value of Indian rupee, its performance vis-a-vis other currencies. What is the impact of the USA’s monetary policy on different currencies? What are different RBI interventions for the situation?

GS 2


The good cop

(Polity and Governance)

Know about police reforms in India, its history. What is Prakash Singh’s judgement? Need to initiate reform on the lines of judgment

GS 3


Heading for GSTExit


Know about GST, the associated gains and efficiency. Why effective federal cooperation is required to reap its fruits?

GS 2


Sedition law: history, debate

(Polity and Governance)

What is sedition law? Know about the provision of the IPC dealing with sedition, what is its crux? Know the history of sedition law, associated courts’ judgements, present case before the Supreme Court. Know whether the sedition law is justified in present times or it requires repealing.

GS 2


The exception provided to marital rape: a split verdict, and what now

(Polity and Governance)

What is marital rape? Know about different court judgements and the recent court split, relevance of Article 21 in the context. What lies ahead?

GS 3


In House panel meet: SEBI flags need to tap phones during probe

(Indian Economy)

Know about SEBI’s power to investigate cases pertaining to capital market, insider trading. Know about the present demand of the SEBI with respect to phone tapping and recent cases which have raised the issue.

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