Familial Forestry

In Context

  • About 2.5 million saplings have been planted in the past 15 years, with active participation of students and desert dwellers under Familial Forestry.

About Familial Forestry

  • Familial Forestry means caring for the tree as a family member so that the tree becomes a part of the family’s consciousness
  • This movement involved more than a million families from more than 15,000 villages of desert-prone northwest Rajasthan. 
    • Familial Forestry of Rajasthan is a unique concept that relates a tree with a family, making it a green “family member”.  
    • This green or eco socialisation brings environmental sensitivity and empowerment.
  • Land for life Award 2021 was conferred to the Familial Forestry of Rajasthan, India, by UNCCD in  2021.

Other related initiatives 

  • The Government has various schemes relating to afforestation/plantation leading to combating desertification and land degradation depending on the climatic and geographical condition of that particular area including schemes of MOEFCC  under Twenty Point Programme (TPP) like National Afforestation Programme (NAP), National Mission for a Green India (GIM) etc.

Land for Life award 

  • It is an award programme of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), which is conferred every two years. 

  • The Land for Life Award  aims to provide global recognition to individuals and organisations whose work and initiatives have made a significant contribution to sustainable development through sustainable land management (SLM).
