India-Norway Relations

In News

  • Norway’s Ambassador to India recently said that the bilateral trade between India and Norway has doubled to $2 billion in the last two years.
    • He recently took part in the silver jubilee celebration of the National Institute of Ocean Technology.


Upcoming Areas of Cooperation in India Norway Relations

  • Climate investments:
    • Norway is planning to invest in climate investments, clean energy and ocean technology worldwide.
    • Norway would invest $1 billion from its climate investment fund in five years worldwide. 
      • Substantial part of the investments will take place in India. India is one of the countries with a large potential for solar energy.
  • Wind Energy:
    • Norway is working with the National Institute of Wind Energy to expand Wind energy infrastructure in India.
      • The problem in India, when it came to wind energy, was that only Tamil Nadu and Gujarat had stable wind to make it viable. 
  • Ship-breaking industry in India:
    • Norway has the fifth largest commercial fleet in the world, and ship recycling was crucial to keep up a modern fleet, both for environmental as also for competitive reasons. 
    • Norway is cooperating closely with India over this.
  • Hong Kong Convention:
    • The Hong Kong Convention is aimed at ensuring that ships, when being recycled after reaching the end of their operational lives; do not pose any unnecessary risk to human health and safety or to the environment. 
    • India has joined the Hong Kong Convention
    • It will be a binding international legal instrument.
  • Academic relations:
    • There is an academic relation between the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras and the Institute of Wind Energy in Chennai with institutions in Norway
  • Digitising historical monuments:
    • The Norwegian company, Piql, was involved in creating a digital archive for Indian monuments such as the Taj Mahal.
    • The company was also involved in digitising historical monuments such as Dholavira in Gujarat and the Bhimbetka Caves in Madhya Pradesh.

Norway-India relations

  • History
    • Ties between Norway and India have deep historical roots. 
    • As early as the 1600s, a Danish-Norwegian trading station was established in Tranquebar (Tharangambadi), which today lies in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
    • Norway’s first Consulates in India opened in Kolkata and Mumbai in 1845 and 1857, respectively.
    • In 1952, the “India fund” was established with the aim to provide development assistance with a focus on fisheries.
  • Consulate General
    • The Consulate General in Mumbai re-opened its doors in 2015. 
    • It had been closed since the 1970s.
  • India Strategy
    • In 2018 the Norwegian government launched a new ‘India Strategy’.
    • The India Strategy outlines five thematic priorities:
      • Democracy and a rules-based world order
      • The oceans
      • Energy
      • Climate and Environment
      • Research, higher education and global health.
  • Ocean nations
    • Norway and India are both ocean nations seeking to develop the vast economic, scientific and ecological potential of the oceans. 
    • In 2019, Norway and India signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) establishing a structured and strategic cooperation on the oceans. 
    • This cooperation is based on our shared interest in the blue economy and the sustainable use of marine resources, as well as a desire to advance scientific knowledge about our oceans.
  • Climate change
    • Norway considers India a critical partner in addressing global climate, environment and resource challenges, and continuously seeks to increase cooperation in support of the Paris agreement and the SDG-agenda.
  • Bilateral Trade
    • Total bilateral trade increased from US$ 974.22 million in 2013-2014 to US$ 1,202.06 million in 2017-2018. 

Source: TH

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