Dvorak Technique

In News 

  • The American meteorologist Vernon Dvorak passed away at the age of 100. 
    • He was best credited for developing the Dvorak (read as Do-rak) technique in the early 1970s. 

Dvorak Technique

  • About:
    • A statistical method for estimating the intensity of tropical cyclones (TCs)  (hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons) from interpretation of satellite imagery.
    • It uses regular Infrared and Visible imagery. It is based on a “measurement” of the cyclone’s convective cloud pattern and a set of rules.
  • Benefits
    • It helps forecasters to do pattern recognition from the observed structure of the storm, locate its eye and estimate the intensity of the storm,
    •  It is the Dvorak technique which gives the best estimates of the cyclone intensity — a vital component while issuing weather warnings.
  • Advancements: 
    • The Dvorak technique, said to be one of the greatest meteorological innovations, has undergone several advancements since its inception.
    • The technique has been upgraded multiple times since then, and after a recent software update, it has been named the Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT), coined by the National Hurricane Centre of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
    • The updated technique would improve the tropical storm forecasts by many folds as they would have access to sharper and detailed images than ever before.
