In News
- Researchers from the Center for Astrophysics (CfA) have generated a 3D magnetic map of the cavity called Local Bubble.
About Local Bubble
- The Local Bubble is a 1,000-light-year-wide cavity or a superbubble.
- Other superbubbles also exist in the Milky Way
- Space is full of these superbubbles that trigger the formation of new stars and planets and influence the overall shapes of galaxies
- The Local Bubble is thought to have originated from supernovae roughly 14 million years ago.
- Supernova is a cosmic explosion occurring when stars meet their end.
- Relevance :It has been that this map is a starting point for expanding our understanding of the superbubbles throughout our galaxy,
- New research on a giant cosmic cavity that surrounds the solar system could reveal the universe’s secrets, including questions about the origins of stars.
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