The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 2



Upholding the autonomy of the Election Commission 

(Constitutional Bodies)


Know about Election Commission of India,Powers and Functions ,Issues ,what manner of appointment is sufficient to preserve the independence of the ECI, and the fairness of elections? And more suggestions 

GS 2


A role for India in a world wide web 

(International Relations)


What is the importance of the Indian Ocean and South Asian regions for India ?  China’s outreach in the South Asia region ,its repercussions for India ,various initiatives of India and what more needs to be done ?

GS 2


The profound ramifications of one amendment 

(Polity and Governance)

Know about Digital Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill,objectives , major concern and what lies ahead 

GS 3


A new global biodiversity framework


Why is biodiversity important?What does the Kunming-Montreal pact aim to achieve?What is the roadmap to 2030 and 2050?What funding arrangements are planned?

GS 2


How the great gamble on the price cap on Russian oil might just fumble

(International Agreement and Policies)

Why did the West want a price cap?How is the price cap intended to work?How has Russia responded?how does it affect india’s interest and way ahead 

GS 2




Rule 267, a bone of contention in Rajya Sabha 

(Polity and Governance)

Know about Rule 267 of the Rajya Sabha rulebook and Why has this rule become important?


GS 1


Three more sites added to tentative  list of UNESCO

(Art and Culture)

Know about The UNESCO tentative list  and recent updates linked to it .


GS 3


Navy takes delivery of submarine Vagir, to be commissioned in Jan


Learn facts related to INS Vagir and Project 75 

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