Men access mental health helpline more

In News: A report released on the basis of Caller profiles to Kiran Helpline (1800-599-0019) by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) under Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (SJE) has revealed huge insight in status of Mental Health of India.

Key Findings of Report:

  • Men seek more help than females.
  • Maximum people reported Anxiety as their prime challenge
  • The North Zone showed maximum awareness by reaching out to Kiran Portal in large numbers.
  • The major group in need of mental health is Students.
  • A total of 1,618 follow-up calls were fielded by the mental health professionals of the helpline.
  • The 24/7 helpline offers early screening, psychological first-aid, psychological support, distress management, mental well-being, psychological crisis management services and referrals to mental health experts
    • Thus, the Kiran Portal can be pivotal in improving the present dim scenario regarding mental health.



What is Mental Health?

  • According to WHO, Mental Health is the state of a person where he/ she can work productively and fruitfully after releasing their abilities while coping with normal stresses and in process contribute to his/her community.
  • World Mental Health Day is celebrated on 10th October every year.

Reason behind poor mental health:

  • Lack of Sensitivity and Knowledge: Belief in Supernatural things.
  • Big stigma and termed as lunatic: Discrimination.
  • Lack of Medical Professionals:
    • As per WHO, there were only 0.301 psychiatrist and 0.047 psychologists for every 1 lakh patients in 2011.
    • 92% of patients don’t have access to mental health care.
  • COVID-19 Pandemic: Isolation due to lockdown have aggravated the situation.

Government’s Initiatives for Mental Health Promotion:

  • Mental Healthcare Act 2017:
    • Decriminalized suicide attempts by ‘reading down’ the power of section 309 of the Indian Penal Code.
    • All aspects of mental healthcare have been dealt with a rights based approach.
    • Provision for Advanced Directives was also included.
    • Electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) was prohibited.
  • ManoDarpan Initiative by Ministry of Education under AtmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.
  • Kiran Help line by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

Way Forward:

  • Bigger role of NGOs and Self Help Groups to create awareness.
  • Digital Outreach Programs including dedicated portals on Tele-Health platforms.
  • Enhancing Social Support by sensitizing elderly.
  • Increase Resources by training and recruiting Doctors.

Source: Livemint, TH