Delay in 5G Trials

In Context- Sufficient preparatory work had not been undertaken for introducing 5G services in India and the country is likely to witness only partial deployment by 2021-end or early 2022 according to Standing Committee on Information Technology

  • The panel has sought the reason for delay from the Department of Telecom (DoT).

Key Highlights:

  • Issues
    • As per the panel, inadequate availability of spectrum, high spectrum prices, poor development of use cases, low status of fiberisation, non-uniform right-of-way issues and deficient backhaul capacity are some of the factors coming in the way of a 5G services roll-out in India.
      • Telcos had submitted 5G trial applications in January 2020 but till date, the guidelines for trials had not been made clear and there was no set date for commencement of these trials.
    • 4G spectrum had still not been allocated to BSNL/MTNL, even though the Cabinet, in its meeting held in October 2019, had approved the administrative allotment of spectrum for 4G services through a capital infusion.
  • Recommendations-
  • The committee recommends that spectrum auction including auctioning of 3300 MHz to 3600 MHz be conducted at the earliest.
    • The DoT had assured that 3300 MHz to 3600 MHz, to be used for 5G, was going to be auctioned in the next six months or so.
    • The issue of allocating the right amount of spectrum as demanded by the industry needed to be addressed by the DoT if India were to realise the benefits of 5G.
      • The Department needs to have fruitful deliberation with the Department of Space ,Ministry of Defence and an understanding must be reached at the earliest for identification of adequate spectrum for 5G services.
    • Audit of the spectrum is essential for detecting under-utilisation of this precious natural resource and also to assess the adequacy and operating effectiveness of management control framework in order to make its utilisation more efficient.
    • There is a need to review the spectrum-pricing policy.
    • The revival of BSNL/MTNL is critical for domestic telecom manufacturing industries as they are the only ones purchasing Indian manufactured goods, and they have been implementing important schemes in remote rural areas and LWE affected areas.

Source: TH