Facts In News


Air defence missile (MRSAM) System

Syllabus: GS 3/Defence

In News 

  • The first deliverable Firing Unit (FU) of Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM) System handed over to Indian Air Force (IAF) to boost  India’s defence capabilities.


  • The MRSAM (IAF) is an advanced network-centric combat Air Defence System developed jointly by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) in collaboration with the Indian industry comprising private and public sectors including MSMEs.
  • It provides point and area air defence for ground assets against a wide range of threats including fighter aircraft, UAVs, helicopters, guided and unguided munitions, subsonic & supersonic cruise missiles etc.
  • Features: 
    • It is capable of engaging multiple targets at ranges up to 70 km in severe saturation scenarios. 
    • The missile is powered by an indigenously developed rocket motor and control system for achieving high manoeuvrability during the terminal phase.
    • The firing unit comprises of :
      • Missiles, Combat Management System (CMS), Mobile Launcher Systems (MLS), Advanced Long Range Radar, Mobile Power System (MPS), Radar Power System (RPS), Reloader Vehicle (RV) and Field Service Vehicle (FSV).
  • Significance: 
  • It will be helpful in producing quality products for both countries in the future. 

Source: PIB


Biodiversity and Environment

Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary

Syllabus: GS 3/Biodiversity and Environment

In Context

  •  A leopard at the Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary has been caught on a camera trap. 

About Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary

  • Location: 
    • Southern Ridge, the northern terminal of Aravalli Hills, one of the oldest mountain systems in the world. 
    • It is located in South Delhi Distt. All along with Delhi, Haryana, Faridabad & Gurgaon. 
  • Attractions: 
    • Nature trail for studying the floral & faunal diversity, the topography of the area.
    •  Good patches of Anogeissus, Balanites etc representative of Aravali.
    • Reclamation of largely abandoned mine pits of the Bhatti area.
    • Historical places around sanctuary such as Surajkund(Haryana), Tughlakabad & Adilabad Forests  (N.Delhi),  Chattarpur Temple.

About Leopard

  • Scientific Name- Panthera pardus.
  • Conservation Status:
    • “Vulnerable” in IUCN’s Red List Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 Appendix I of CITES.
  • Habitats:
    • Found in all forest types, from tropical rainforests to temperate deciduous and alpine coniferous forests.
    •  It is also found in dry scrubs and grasslands, the only exception being desert and the mangroves of Sundarbans.
    • They are distributed from Trans-Himalayas to Gangetic plains in around 17 states.




Indian Economy

T+1 Settlement Cycle

Syllabus: GS3/Indian Economy & related issues

In Context

  • The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has introduced an optional T+1 (Trade day plus 1 day) settlement for completion of share transactions “to enhance market liquidity.” 

T+1 Rule

  • Under the T+1 rule, stock transactions will be settled on the very next day and not after two days as is the current norm.
  • In this, the shares will be credited into the demat account a day after the trade day. In case of sale transactions, the money will be credited into the account on the very next day. 
  • Under the aegis of the T+2 settlement cycle, which is currently in vogue, the shares or the money are credited after two days.


Source: LM


Welfare and Scheme

Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharata Abhiyan (PMGDISHA) 

Syllabus: GS2/ Welfare Schemes

In Context

  • Government e-services delivery arm CSC SPV pushed for covering all members of a digital village under digital literacy programme PMGDISHA.

What is Digital Literacy?

  • It is the ability of individuals and communities to understand and use digital technologies for meaningful actions within life situations.

Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA)

  • It is being initiated under the Digital India Programme which would cover 6 crore households in rural areas to make them digitally literate.
  • Recently, a campaign for 100 percent digital literacy in Digital Villages launched.
  • Under the campaign, a three day certification drive for rural citizens, especially women and disadvantaged communities, will be conducted for a few days.


  • The knowledge of digital technology helps in achieving digital inclusion.
  • This would help in bridging the gap between government and citizens.
  • This envisages the use of technology to deliver services pertaining to health services – tele-health and tele-veterinary consultation, education Services, financial Services, skill development and solar panel powered street lights and various Government to Citizens Services (G2C) and other citizen Services. 


Source: ET