The Indian Express

Indian Express


Pg No 


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3




India joins select club of naval powers, first indigenous aircraft carrier starts sea trial


The importance of IAC-1, the Made-in-India aircraft carrier


(Defence, Economy)

Why is indigenous manufacturing of Defence Equipments, Vessels and Weapons necessary? Learn about IAC-1 and fighters which will operate on it.

Please also read about the history of Vikrant.

GS 3


Why switching to electric vehicles is fiscally imprudent



Why could the FAME scheme prove to be costly and against socialism? What could be a better way to reduce carbon footprint?

GS 1


Vaccinologist Barbie



What is women’s participation in STEM? How can Barbie dolls pay tribute and inspire girls to take up the profession?

GS 2 & 3




Two years on, the deepening anxieties and growing distance between Delhi and Kashmir


With end of Articles 370 and 35 (A), there’s peace, hope and democracy in J&K


(Internal Security, Governance)

Please read these two articles with contrasting views on completion of two year of abrogation of Article 370 and 35(A). 

Also read about why these articles were scrapped and what were its short term and long term impact.

GS 3


Dr Mrutyunjay Mohapatra: ‘Extreme weather events will become more frequent and more intense’



How are climate change and global warming affecting India? What are the challenges in forecasting weather and climate shifts? How have heat waves and cyclone frequencies and intensities changed?

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