The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 1



India’s population to edge ahead of China’s by mid ­2023 says UN

(Population and Associated Issues)

What are the findings of recently released data by the United Nations in the context of India’s population? And its implications 

GS 2


It is a new assault on India’s liberty 


(Polity and Governance)

What are the reasons for fake news and misinformation? Consequences, various initiatives, and suggestions 

GS 2 


India-UAE cooperation to sow regional food security 

(International Relations)

Know about the India-UAE food security partnership, the latest developments, and what lies ahead 

GS 3


Why is a star-planet pair emitting radio signals?


What is YZ Ceti b? And  How have astronomers detected radio signals from this planet?


GS 3


Union Cabinet gives nod for ?6,003 crore Quantum Mission


(Science and Technology)

Know about National Quantum Mission and its objectives 

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