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UPSC Mains 2024 Essay Question Paper

Last updated on September 30th, 2024 Posted on September 30, 2024 - 11:50 am by
UPSC Mains 2024 Essay Question Paper

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) scheduled to conduct the Civil Services Examination (CSE) Main 2024 from September 20, 2024, at various centers pan India. This event represents a significant milestone for countless aspirants pursuing their dreams of joining the Civil Services. Among the 9 papers for the UPSC CSE Mains Exam, the 1st paper was conducted of an Essay.

Verbatim repetition, yet again!

Question 1 of the UPSC essay paper, 2024 vis a vis Question 6 of NEXT IAS Essay guidance program, 2023.


UPSC Mains 2024 Essay Question Paper

निम्नलिखित खण्ड A और B प्रत्येक से एक विषय चुनकर दो निबन्ध लिखिए, जो 1000 – 1200 शब्दों में हो:
Write two essays, choosing one topic from each of the following Sections A and B of about 1000-1200 words each:


खण्ड A
Section A

1. जंगल सभ्यताओं से पहले आते हैं और रेगिस्तान उनके बाद आते हैं।
Forests precede civilizations and deserts follow them.

2. भविष्य के साम्राज्य, मस्तिष्क के साम्राज्य होंगे ।
The empires of the future will be the empires of the mind.

3. प्रसन्नता का कोई मार्ग नहीं है; प्रसन्नता ही मार्ग है।
There is no path to happiness; Happiness is the path.

4. प्रश्न पूछने वाला ही विज्ञान का सच्चा सिपाही है।
The doubter is a true man of science.


खण्ड B
Section B

5. सोशल मीडिया युवाओं में ‘छूटने का डर’ पैदा कर रहा है जिसके कारण उनमें अवसाद और अकेलापन बढ़ रहा है।
Social media is triggering ‘Fear of Missing Out’ amongst the youth, precipitating depression and loneliness.

6. लगभग सभी मनुष्य प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियों का सामना कर सकते हैं, लेकिन किसी व्यक्ति के चरित्र के परीक्षण के लिए, उसे शक्ति प्रदान करके देखिए ।
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but to test the character, give him power.

7. व्यापक परिणाम वाले सभी विचार हमेशा साधारण ही होते हैं।
All ideas having large consequences are always simple.

8. ग़लत होने की कीमत कुछ न करने की कीमत से कम है।
The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing.


UPSC Mains 2024 Essay Question Paper PDF

The UPSC Mains 2024 Essay Question Paper PDF is available for download. Aspirants can gain crucial insights about the trends and the pattern of the UPSC CSE Mains Exam. This, in turn, can be helpful for the aspirants to align their preparation with the expectations of the UPSC.


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NEXT IAS is happy to announce that the same essay as given in our Test Series by Ruchika Ma’am has been asked in the UPSC CSE Mains 2024 Essay Paper.

NEXT IAS Essay Test Series Question Paper

NEXT IAS Essay Test

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