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Narges Mohammadi Receives the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize: A Prestigious Honor

Posted on October 26, 2023 - 1:05 pm by

The 2023 Nobel Peace Prize has been granted to Narges Mohammadi, an Iranian activist, by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

About Nobel Peace Prize

  • The Nobel Peace Prize, one of the original five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, has been awarded since 1901. 
  • Unlike the other Nobel Prizes in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature, the Nobel Peace Prize is not presented in Stockholm, Sweden. 
  • Instead, it is awarded in Oslo, Norway, and the recipient is chosen by the Norwegian Nobel Committee, a five-member committee appointed by the Parliament of Norway. As of 2020, the prize is presented at the University of Oslo.

Who is Narges Mohammadi?

  • Narges Mohammadi is a courageous advocate for human rights and freedom, and her unwavering commitment to these causes has come at a great personal cost.
  • She has been a strong voice for freedom of expression and individual rights. Sadly, she has faced significant adversity in her quest for justice.
  • Narges Mohammadi has been arrested a total of 13 times, subjected to five convictions, and handed a collective sentence of 31 years in prison along with 154 lashes. As of the latest information, she remains incarcerated, highlighting the ongoing challenges faced by human rights defenders in Iran.
  • Her continued detention underscores the importance of international attention and support for individuals like her who are fighting for fundamental rights and freedoms.

What is “Woman – Life – Freedom”?

  • It is a motto embraced by Iranian demonstrators which encapsulates the unwavering commitment and advocacy of Narges Mohammadi.
  • Her life’s work is a testament to the values and aspirations embodied in this motto, as she tirelessly strives to advance the rights and freedoms of women and all individuals in Iran. 
  • Narges Mohammadi’s dedication to these fundamental principles is a source of inspiration for those who believe in the importance of equality, life, and freedom for all.

Why is Narges Mohammadi awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize 2023?

Narges Mohammadi has been honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize for her remarkable efforts in combating the oppression of women in Iran and her unwavering dedication to advancing human rights and freedom for all.

Human Rights Works

  • Narges Mohammadi’s advocacy against the death penalty in a country that reports one of the highest numbers of state executions.
  • Assist incarcerated activists and their families.

Combating Oppression Against Women

  • Advocacy for women’s rights.
  • Fight against sexualised violence against women political prisoners.
  • Offered support for Mahsa Amini Protests (Iranian Hijab Movement): The Norwegian Nobel Committee also took into consideration the significant protests in Iran from the previous year, which were sparked by the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman who died while in the custody of Iran’s morality police.

Who are the Indian recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize?

The two notable Indian recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize are:

  1. Mother Teresa (1979): Mother Teresa, born in Skopje, North Macedonia, and later a resident of India, was a Catholic nun and the founder of the Missionaries of Charity. She devoted her life to providing care and support to the impoverished and vulnerable, particularly in the slums of Kolkata, India. Her tireless efforts to alleviate suffering and promote peace and compassion earned her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
  2. Kailash Satyarthi (2014): Kailash Satyarthi is a renowned social reformer who has dedicated his life to eradicating child labour in India and advocating for the universal right to education. He is the founder of various social activist organisations, including Bachpan Bachao Andolan (Save the Childhood Movement). His work in rescuing and rehabilitating children from forced labour and his relentless commitment to children’s rights led to his being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.

What is the Iranian Hijab Movement?

  • The Iranian Hijab Movement was a grassroots social and civil disobedience movement in Iran that opposes the mandatory wearing of the hijab (headscarf) for women in the country. In Iran, the law requires women to wear the hijab in public, and violators can face penalties, fines, or even imprisonment.
  • The arrest and death of activist Mahsa Amishi sparked the movement. Mahsa Amini was a young Iranian woman whose tragic death in 2020 while in the custody of Iran’s morality police garnered significant attention and sparked protests in the country. Her case shed light on issues related to women’s rights and the enforcement of conservative dress codes in Iran.
  • The Iranian Hijab Movement is a reflection of the ongoing struggle for women’s rights and personal freedoms in Iran and has gained attention both within the country and internationally. 

Sources: Indian Express

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